Part 6

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Me and Sun keep playing and goofing off, and well it's been a lot of fun. Currently we are playing in the play structures. I honestly have no idea what we're doing exactly, all I know is that i decided to go into them.

"N/n GET OVER HERE," they yelled playfully. I think for a minute before responding, "NO YOU'LL NEVER CATCH MEEEEE," and dart off elsewhere as he follows my voice.. I make a sudden turn and go down the slide. Running off quickly to the ball pit, and as quietly as possible hiding under the bridge. "OHHH N/N" He draws out my name, "WHERE ARE WE YOUU." I have to stifle my giggles,.

"THERE YOU ARE," they pop out in front of me causing me to jump and yelp. We both howl in laughter.. I make my way out of the ball pit, and fall onto my back and look up at the ceiling. Sun lays beside me, turning his face plate to look at me. I continue looking up lost in thought seeing a net instead of just a ceiling.. I look up curious.. "Hey, Sun... Why is there a net ?" He giggles, stands up and holds out a hand to me. "WHY DON'T I JUST SHOW YOU?" I take his hand and he pulls me up and lifts me up like a child. I don't mind.  "HANG ON N/N," he tells me. I hold my arms around his neck, his hands hold my back and knees. "ALL PASSENGERS HANG ON ON," he says in a mock  train conductor impression, and their back seems to shoot out a rope to the ceiling. My eyes widen..


And the both of us are lifted into the air.. I hold on to his neck.. Looking down and wow. The inside of the play area is huge.

I hear something else shoot out and see another rope grapple to the net and another and another. I also hear some retract back. During this, we start to move. I keep looking down at the play area, this feels like flying almost. I look at their faceplate and say, "Okay this is awesome!" Even if their face plate is stuck in a permanent smile, I could tell he was ecstatic. The both of us fly through the air and just keep goofing off.  I smile up at them as we finally come down.. I let him go and plant my feet on the ground. The one rope keeping him in the air snaps back to him, and he does a backflip before landing in front of me. I laugh and so does he..

"DID THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION N/N," he asks. "Yes,  indeed it has."
A thought occurs .. "Have you ever been able to really share that with anyone..." They still... and seem to deflate. He sits in front of me and so do I .. "NOT REALLY.. I MEAN I HAVE DONE THE 'FLYING' THING BY MYSELF MANY TIMES.. BUT NEVER WITH ANOTHER. TOO DANGEROUS FOR KIDDOS.. AND...."

I look at him.. "Well now you have ... And that my dear friend was amazing.." I smile at him .. And he brightens up. "YEAH AND OH WHAT FUN TO SHARE WITH A FRIEND."  He jumps from one foot to another clapping their hands in delight.

What he didn't know was that during our 'flight' caused an anxiety spike in me. There was enough excitement to distract me during the 'flight,' but now it's hitting me full force...

Little bit of a secret-not-secret.. I'm scared of heights and get major anxiety from it.

"Hey, Sun I'mma go to the restroom, kay? " They look at, "OKIE DOKIE." They give me a thumbs up and I walk to the restroom inside the daycare area...

Very minor time skip

I splash water on my face...


I look at myself in the mirror.. My hair is a mess and there are slight bags under my eyes... Those have always been there... 


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