Part 5

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The shutter lifts up revealing a room with a golden statue of two animatronics, one sun and one moon.. Okay. That's a decent idea for a duo..

I walk into the room and see a sign in rainbows 'SLIDE INTO FUN.' I look out over the balcony into the play area and....

Holy shit... This is every young kid's dream.. There are tunnels, slides, a ball pit, sitting areas, and toys.. Also a flipping tower and balcony connected into the wall displaying a sun... 

I think the night just got a little better.. I run over to the slide. Without any amount of hesitation I slide down, giggling all the way down into the ball pit.. I surface from the sea of plastic balls and hear...

"HOO, HOO HOO" Looking up at the balcony displaying the sun, I see the sun animatronic.. Inwardly I begin to freak out, an alert has went out to every animatronic, surely this one will be no different.. WHY DID FREDDY SAY TO COME HERE? The animatronic dives into the ball pit.. My breathing becomes erratic as I try to calm down.. and hide in the ball pit.

I feel a pair of hands grip my waist and lift me up.. Me eyes widen, "HELLOOO, NEW FRIEND YOU'RE SURE UP LATE , WHERE ARE ALL YOUR FRIENDS, IS THIS A SLUMBER PARTY." They barrage me with questions. They bring me out of the ball pit and set me down.. and start going on a rant, I can barely keep up, "WE CAN FINGER PAINT, TELL STORIES, DRINK FIZZY FAZ TILL OUR HEADS !EXPLODE! THERE IS ONLY ONE RULE," his voice turns serious, "KEEP THE LIGHTS.. ON, On ..on."

Of course it slightly worries me but there were other issues.... "Why aren't you attacking me..."I ask sheepishly, a bit scared that this guy is just luring me in or something. Despite the animatronic having a permanent grin, I can tell he is surprised by me saying this.. He puts a hand over where his heart would be if he were a human.. "NEW FRIEND WHY WOULD YOU THINK I'D ATTACK YOU..I MEAN... DID YOU HEAR THE RUMORS.. " I can feel a sadness coming from him... I look at him, "Rumors? What are you.. you know what it doesn't matter..." I sigh.. "I got locked in and Freddy told me to come here.." ... They looked at me.. "an alert or something went out.. now Roxy and Monty are after me... And I have to wait till opening to leave... "

"Ohhhhh, well if you're wondering why I'm not chasing you,"  he make a pose like he's thinking on grabbing me before going back into a relaxed stance, "I CARE FOR THE KIDDOS AND DON'T CARE WHAT THAT AWFUL VANESSA THINKS.." He tilts his head, "SO NO WORRYING ABOUT GETTING ATTACKED HERE.. "

"So you don't mind me staying...." "OF COURSE NOT NEW FRIEND." I smile, "Well thank you.. uhhh.. I don't know your name.. ". He giggles, "OH SILLY ME.. ITS SUN OR SUNNY OR EVEN SUNDROP. WHATEVER YOU PREFER." I laugh along with him, "Well I'm.." I do a stupid little twirl and bow, "y/n m/n l/n but you kind person may call me n/n,"  I make sure to say the whole thing in a dumb British accent again.

"WELL, I SEE YOU'RE ONE FOR DRAMATICS.." He twirls around and jumps raising his arms into the air before falling back into a bow in front of me.. "LUCKY FOR YOU SO AM I, N/N."

I smile happy to have made a new friend with such chaotic energy.. I realize that because of me getting trapped I've been well... Not as happy.. or chaotic or childish as I usually am..
"SO WHAT ABOUT MY REQUESTS? WHAT SHALL WE DO SINCE YOU'RE TRAPPED?" he asks twirling around me..  "Well to be honest.. I've been running around all day.. and I think my body is going to hate me real soon . So how about arts and crafts.. If you're up for it," immediately he seemed ecstatic, "OH YES, YES N/N. WE CAN DRAW OR PAINT ORRR OR OR GLUE RANDOM STUFF TOGETHER AND .." He realizes something and deflates a little.. "but then a mess would be made .. and I just finished cleaning before you came in..."  I look into his eyes, "I'd help and we could just draw and color without paint or glitter glue then it would be easier to clean up.. " I smile at them..

He grabs both my hands in his hands holding them, "OH YES THAT WOULD BE GREAT."

He drags me to the Arts and Crafts area where the both of us talk and draw... I mostly doodle random things and then start trying to figure out how to draw Sun..

I get so laser focused on my drawings and doodles, I don't even realize that Sun has decided to stop coloring and watch me.. "WOW THAT'S ALOT OF MES," I jump not realizing he was watching me and almost fall backwards to which he catches me. I'm fairly certain this would've looked like those cheesy romance scenes of a guys catching some girl.. I think Sun was thinking the same exact thing because next thing I know both of us are bursting with laughter..

" DID YOU FALL, FOR ME N/N," he says between fits of laughter joking with me... "No, I did not, I fell for CHAOS. " I say while laughing.

We keep goofing off and joking with one another..

11:02 pm

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