Chapter 9

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

"Oh shit!" Mile ran back to the oven and opened it up while putting on the mitts still. "Do you want the part that's crispy, or extra crispy?"
(Name) walked over and looked at the tray with the pizza, which Mile was now putting on the stovetop.
"That's not crispy, that's burnt," he/she deadpanned.
"Fine. You want burnt, extra burnt, ashes, or dust?"
"I'll take the ashes, thank you very much."
Mile sighed and gave the less burnt part of the pizza to (name), feeling a little bit bad for burning it.
They sat at the table, eating in silence. (Name) would occasionally try to pick up the pizza with the burnt hand —wincing in pain briefly before switching hands.
After he/she finished eating, (name) got up and grabbed Cider's bowl. He/she gave the cat some food and water, and then tapped the bowl a few times until the cat came from who-knows-where and ate its food slowly.
"I'll clean the dishes," Mile said as she saw (name) bringing his/her plate to the sink.
"You sure?" (Name) didn't mind cleaning his/her own plate and the tray the pizza was cooked on.
"Yeah, just leave it there. You don't want to hurt the burn worse."
"Mm, ok fine."
After a short bit of silence, (name) returned to his/her room, not noticing the dim light coming off the GameBoy. He/she texted Cyl on his/her computer for a bit before putting on a headset and getting on a call.
Switching to be on Roplox, he/she waited for Cyl to pick a game.
"So there's this game called Down, it's similar to Unsafe Business, I promise you'll have a lot of fun. It's a cool game!" Cyl said, getting on the game and waiting for (name) to join.
(Name) didn't mind that Cyl was always the one choosing the game. Especially because otherwise he/she would be indecisive and wouldn't know what to do.
Once on the game, Cyl showed (name) how to play.
"So we grab items and put them in this bin. Then when we get back to the base we put them on this conveyor belt," Cyl demonstrated with the items in the tutorial room, making her character grab them and place them on the conveyor belt. "Ok follow me, let's go to the next area so we can get more materials!"
(Name) just followed, trying to understand what to do.
In the next area, there were a few enemies: A shark like thing that only the fin was visible on, and a big two headed dog like thing. The shark thing would sneak up and if it touched the player, they would die. To avoid it, crouching, listening for the shark, and then dodging it was the most effective method. The dog thing would chase the player. It wasn't a one hit kill but it also was harder to dodge. The only 2 ways to dodge it were to be standing on top of something that the dog's obnoxiously large hit-box couldn't reach, or to hide in one of the scarce and few vents on the floor.
(Name) kept dying, he/she would either not see the shark and get killed from behind, or would get chased by the dog over and over and not be near a vent or area to stand on.
Cyl didn't die that often, only every once in a while, but she wasn't angry at (name) for dying. Just teased a bit and said it was fine.
"Sorry we didn't get to play too much," (name) sighed, he/she had been on games with Cyl for a little over 3 hours, but remembered he/she had to get done stuff for school.
"It's ok, we can just play more tomorrow, or if you stay up late and get bored we can call again. Plus, we've been on call for 3 hours. Not the longest, but still counts!" Cyl comforted.
"Well uh, night night!!"
"Good night! Don't let the bed bugs bite!"
(Name) left the call and reluctantly opened up the small homework assignment he/she had forgotten about. Shortly after the call had ended, (name) failed to realize that the dim light from the GameBoy had disappeared; the device turned off.
The assignment wasn't too bad. It was relatively short. So (name) quickly copy pasted the answers from the reading that was with the assignment, changed the sentences ever so slightly so he/she wasn't plagiarizing, and turned it in.
Instead of getting back on games with Cyl though, (name) decided to get ready for bed. After he/she had brushed his/her teeth and was in his/her 'pajamas' —aka fluffy pants and an old tee shirt— (name) grabbed the GameBoy and sat in bed with it.
He/she turned on the device, fully expecting the device to turn itself off. But it didn't. The device stayed on.
After a few seconds of silence, (name) staring at the screen in anticipation of it powering off, he/she was met with a box of dialogue on the screen instead:
(Name) read it and then quickly spoke his/her thoughts. "What do you mean 'what?' Why did you organize my room?!"
'I was going to make it messy. But it was too messy to make messier.'
"Wowww, thanksssss," (name) said sarcastically, clearly annoyed.
Matching his/her tone though, using blood red font on some of the words, was a new box of dialogue for (name) to read:
'Why do YOU keep turning on the game? Why don't YOU just leave ME alone?'
"Because video games don't talk back. But you clearly do."
'I'm not... ugh bye.'
But it was already too late and the device had powered itself off.
(Name) put the GameBoy back on the bedside table and just sat in bed looking at the ceiling. He/she might not have known the name of the sentient video game character, but he/she had by this point decided that he was a difficult person.
1013 words!

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