Chapter 6

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

(Name) stared at the screen with a dumbfounded expression for a few seconds before his/her expression changed to one of annoyance.
"What do you mean 'fuck off,' GIMME ME PENCIL BACK!" He/she was irritated, but still trying to be quiet.
In response, the 'cutscene' ended and the character sprite was back in the Pokémon center. A quiet whirring noise echoed from the audio ports of the GameBoy, and soon enough words could be heard through the light static:
The voice was firm and a bit angry sounding, but it wasn't yelling. It was just a harsh tone, nothing worse.
"You know what? Screw you!" In a moment of frustration, (name) powered off the GameBoy with one hand as he/she held her other hand up to the screen, flipping off the character sprite with his/her middle finger.
Within a few seconds of all light leaving the screen of the device, a yell came from Mile's room. "Hey (name)! What are you, having war with your pencil or something?"
The question was accompanied by a small snicker.
"Oh shut up! And don't worry about it!" (Name) yelled back, hoping Mile would hush.
"Make sure to tell me if you win or not!"
"Whatever you say! Haha," Mile was mostly just teasing (name).
After Mile's poking-fun eventually stopped, (name) set the GameBoy on the dresser beside his/her bed and then navigated back to his/her desk through the messy floor.
Once there, he/she logged into the computer again and opened back up the homework assignment he/she was working on.
It wasn't due for another day, but there was nothing else to do and (name) was in a semi-productive mood.
He/she opened the link to the video he/she had to watch for class, plugging in his/her earbuds to the computer. With his/her screen split so that the video was on one side and the questions and worksheet were on the other, he/she pressed the play button on the video.
The narrator talked about some wildfire that happened many years ago in Australia. They went on and on about the factors that made the fire more dangerous than it should've been. Something about a drought and then a really hot day and so on.
A lot of the questions (name) had to answer were about the peak temperature of the day, the type of animals that survived and how they survived, some questions about specific animals that got taken into veterinary care following the fires, stuff like that.
For a 30 minute video, the assignment took a bit longer than that. (Name) had to keep going back ten seconds to make sure he/she didn't miss any information. He/she finally finished the assignment around 11:45 PM, mostly because of the sheer amount of procrastination and zoning out during the video and having to go back over and over.
Since it was past 11, (name)'s parents were already home and upstairs sleeping. This made it safe for (name) to go out into the hall and go to the bathroom and get ready for bed. But when he/she finally did try to sleep, he/she couldn't and instead found himself/herself staring into the ceiling of his/her dark bedroom.
He/she rolled over in bed so that he/she was using his/her pillow to prop up his/her chest, and then he/she reached over to the bedside table and grabbed and unplugged the GameBoy.
Holding it in front of him/her, (name) glared at the device for a while, squinting a bit to see better because the room had barely any light as it was.
Before turning on the device, he/she thought back on earlier. His/her pencil didn't just disappear. He/she didn't hallucinate that.
(Name) knew what he/she saw. And yet despite knowing something was weird and that maybe the warning on the box about this game being dangerous was true, he/she still wanted to turn on the game and investigate.
Curiosity was more powerful than rationality. (Name) turned on the GameBoy, listening for an audio sound that he/she knew would never come. The GameBoy was silent just as it had been every other time.
And once again (name) decided to try and interact with the game. He/she pressed the continue button and was greeted by the same screen as when the game was last turned off: the player sprite in the Pokémon center.
The only difference was that the sprite wasn't into the center of the screen and wasn't looking at the screen like it had been before. This time it was all the way on the left of the screen where there would be benches in the Pokémon center. As if it were sitting there, resting, and unaware of (name)'s presence yet.
(Name) decided to press down right on the d-pad. Nothing happened, like usual. He/she tried one more time, but this time the character sprite moved.
The sprite moved more than it should've. A lot more. It went to the middle of the screen and (name) felt like he/she was getting glared at through the screen.
Before he/she could press another button though, the speakers abruptly turned on and out came the same angry and bit-crushed voice as before.
"I'm not your PUPPET!" It snapped at (name), causing him/her to not press anything for a second.
" you CAN feel me pressing the buttons?" (Name) was trying to figure out if that's what whoever was speaking meant.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it if it was gonna bother you," he/she kinda meant this, but also: curiosity. "I just want my pencil back."
"Goodbye." The voice didn't give a damn about the apology.
"Goodbye???" Before (name) could finish speaking, the game powered off itself.
1001 words!

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