Chapter 2

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

Just like yesterday, it was just (name) and Mile alone at home; their parents were nowhere to be seen.
Almost habitually, (name) went up to the fridge and located a magnetic to-do list on the side of it. The top sheet on the stack of papers was covered in big sloppy handwriting in dark blue ink:
'Won't be back until 11pm. Make your own dinner and vacuum the house.'
Mile and (name) groaned and put down the stuff they had bought at the garage sale in their separate bedrooms.
This wasn't unusual for them. (Name) and Mile's parents tended to be very absent. On one hand, this did give the two siblings a lot of freedom. But on the other hand, they treated (name) and Mile as housemaids instead of people. And if they get home and either (name) or Mile aren't in bed...
But that's not the important part right now.
After putting away stuff, Mile and (name) got out the two vacuums from the laundry room. One of the vacuums worked great on hardwood floor —which covered most of the house— but sucked at carpets. The other vacuum though was great for carpets, so it worked well on the big off-white rug in the living room.
Mile volunteered to use the normal vacuum, leaving the carpet vacuum to (name). This also meant that (name) would have to cook dinner because the carpet didn't take too long to clean compared to the rest of the house.
"You sure you don't want help vacuuming?" (Name) asked after finishing the carpet.
"No it's fine. You just make dinner. You're a better cook than me anyways," Mile continued her task.
(Name) went to the kitchen and rummaged through the freezer before deciding to just heat up some soup that he/she had frozen a little while back.
(Name) filled a pot halfway with warm water, and put the container with the frozen soup inside it. This would help the soup thaw out faster.
Once the soup was warm enough to no longer be a solid block of ice with chunks of food in it, (name) emptied the pot of water, cleaned and dried it some, and then put it on the stove with a medium flame. He/she poured in the soup and let it warm up, stirring every once in a while so that the heat was evenly distributed throughout the meal.
While the soup was cooking, (name) also decided to get something else done. He/she opened a cabinet and took out an almost empty bag of cat food from it and poured the food into a bowl. He/she then filled another small bowl with water and put the two bowls on the ground in a specific spot.
"We need to buy more food for Cider," (name) put away the bag.
Soon enough a cat appeared from somewhere else in the house. Its coat was a mix of gray and dark orange.
While it ate its food, (name) and Mile's food was warm enough to eat.
(Name) put the soup into bowls while Mile emptied and put away the vacuums. They ate together almost in silence, occasionally talking about random things. After dinner, Mile and (name) cleaned the dishes and went to their rooms.
In his/her room, (name) booted up his/her computer and opened up a few apps. He/she had completely forgotten about that GameBoy, and really just wanted to play games with friends.
Once the apps had opened up, (name) messaged a person with the screen name 'CandyIcicle'.
CandyIcicle immediately responded with 'Hiiiii!!!!'
The conversation when something like this, with (name) being on the right and CandyIcicle on the left:



𝙷𝚛𝚞 (𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞?)

𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍 :)!!! 𝚆𝚋𝚞? (𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞)

𝙰𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 :/

𝙾𝚘𝚏. 𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚐𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜?




A few seconds later, CandyIcicle started a call and name joined the voicechat.
"(Name)! Hi!" CandyIcicle said when (name) joined the call. "Ready for another 3 hours of random games on Roplox?"
CandyIcicle was (name)'s friend Cyl, who moved to a different town a few years ago. Despite moving, she and (name) were still best friends and would either call, text, play games, or do all three every single day.
Today Cyl found a random parkour game on Roplox, so obviously a little friendly competition was in store.
The game had no way to push other people, but you could jump on them and use them as a human footstool. So after jumping from platform to platform and jumping on each other a few times, (name) and Cyl finally got through the first of three parkour courses.
The second course was harder in terms of the jumps, but easier because there were less people. The third course, which was slightly ahead of them, had even fewer people at it.
For the most part the game ran pretty smoothly, only bugging out here and there. But they both had to keep restarting the course because they would fall off.
"Damn we suck," Cyl said.
"Nuh uh. We just need to get good," (name) replied.
"Whatever you say," Cyl laughed as (name) fell off again.
"Argh! Damn itttt," (name) was frustrated in a silly way.
"What was that about not sucking?" Cyl sounded like she was smirking.
"Oh stop it!"
They both laughed.
This continued until they got to the end of the second course. Before starting the third course though, (name) remembered the GameBoy.
"Oh yeah, guess what happened today?" (Name) said.
"Your parents stopped being human trash?"
"Nah, that'll never happen," (name) said it super casually. "I got a free GameBoy!"
"....that's cool! But don't get so lost in gaming on that old device that you forget about me."
Cyl and (name) went back to gaming after that, and stayed on until 10:55 PM because (name) had to get off before his/her parents get home.
After they said goodnight and got offline, (name) took out the GameBoy, the cord, and the Pokémon game. He/she then plugged in the GameBoy, put the cartridge in it, and sat under the blanket on his/her bed with the device in his/her hands.
1033 words!

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