Chapter 8

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Characters from the games and creepypastas in this book do not belong to me. This story will have blood, profanity at times, and as I continue writing it there may be more warnings.

comments = me happy = I'm motivated to write

For the whole rest of the day, (name) kept trying to turn the GameBoy on, but each time was met with the device immediately turning off. It was as if the device had forgotten everything and was stuck rebooting indefinitely; a bootloop.
Eventually, it had gotten late enough to where (name) had to just give up for the day and head to sleep. He/she put the device down somewhere safe, bundled up in the blankets on his/her bed and tried to rest at least a little.
Although it took a while to fall asleep, and (name) woke up every few hours or so, eventually it was morning and (name) had to gaslight himself/herself that he/she wasn't tired and didn't want to stay in bed. After bargaining with himself/herself in his/her head about if it would really be so bad to miss school today, (name) reluctantly got up and got ready for school.
A few minutes after (name) and Mile left home to catch the bus, the GameBoy finally turned itself back on.
Just like yesterday, the character sprite left the game. Instead of just standing there for a while like he had yesterday though, today he immediately got to work cleaning the rest of (name)'s room. After all, it wasn't finished —which meant that his revenge plot to make (name) feel disorganized wasn't done either.
So sitting down and resuming the task, he grumbled a bit before working in pure silence for a couple of hours.
Meanwhile, at school, (name) was having yet another bad day. What seemed good at first actually went bad at lunch time. No one touched (name) or anything, but once again he/she was met with insults and mockery from others. Words belittling him/her, words to 'put him/her in his/her place,' words exclusively to hurt him/her.
But no explanations for why (name) deserved these words. And no explanations for if they would ever stop.
After lunch, after escaping the hatred of other's, (name) was mentally checked-out for the rest of the day. Zoning out and tapping his/her fingers on the desk in an anxious fashion, (name) spent the rest of the school day with his/her head up in the clouds.
Even when he/she had gotten home, he/she was practically lost in thought. In order to not raise any concerns though, he/she talked to Mile as if nothing had happened and everything was fine.
Like usual, (name) and Mile's parents found something for them to do. It wasn't much of a chore as much as it was just a task to keep them busy and make sure they did something.
So instead of doing anything practical or needed, (name) and Mile were told to clean off all the unused fancy dishes which were only used for special occasions —meaning never used.
There were enough of these dishes to take an hour or more to clean, especially since they had to be hand washed since they were not dishwasher safe.
Bringing over one or two of the dishes at a time, Mile went back and forth from the cabinet with the dishes, which (name) cleaned under lukewarm water and with a soapy sponge. Once Mile brought over enough dishes to fill the counter beside the sink, she took the dishes (name) already cleaned and dried them with a towel before returning them to the cabinet.
After a bunch of back and forth walking for Mile and a lot of repetitive scrubbing for (name), the 'chore' was finally done. Hoping for no busywork tomorrow, the two started to make dinner.
Mile grabbed a tray and then sprayed it with cooking spray to prevent the food from sticking. While (name) pressed a few buttons on the oven to preheat it, Mile got pizza out the freezer and opened the cold and almost wet feeling (from being in the freezer for so long) box.
Once the oven had preheated, (name) put in the tray with the pizza and set a timer for half the cook time. When the timer beeped, (name) opened the oven and with a mitt on only one hand, went to rotate the tray 180° so that the pizza would get an even cook on it.
Unfortunately for (name) though, because the tray was an oval and only fit in the oven 2 ways, and because of the angle (name) was holding the pan, the pizza began to slide off.
Reacting quickly and without thinking, (name) put his/her hand partially on the burning hot tray and in the way of the pizza so it couldn't fall off, only to realize...
He/she put his/her bare hand on a burning hot tray!
(Name) quickly removed his/her hand, finished rotating the pizza, and nearly slammed the oven door closed.
"Go put the burn cream on that, it looks pretty bad," Mile frowned some.
"Fine....just dont let the food burn," (name) said while running his/her hand under water.
In (name)'s room, everything was completely cleaned. The task was done a bit before (name) got home, and with nothing more to do the character sprite had returned to the game. So the place was empty.
But this proved to be a problem for (name) because the burn cream was no longer in the dedicated spot on the floor where he/she kept it.
With a bit of his/her skin now peeling from how bad the burn was, (name) frantically looked for the burn cream. After searching for a bit, he/she noticed something: the GameBoy was on and the character sprite was just watching this.
"Are you just gonna watch?! Where did you put the burn cream???" (Name) snapped at the device.
No response.
Name shoved his/her burnt hand a few inches from the screen.
"Where. Is. It?" His/her voice was serious.
"3rd drawer down on the left," the character sprite replied with a scoff.
"THANK. YOU." (Name) slammed open the drawer and grabbed it, applying it while leaving the room
"Who were you talking to?" Mile asked.
"Mile, I swear I'm hallucinating or something."
"Greatttttt, you know you'll never get diagnosed though or find out if something's wrong, so just enjoy the ride to insanity," she sarcastically joked.
"Yeah yeah, now why do I smell something burning?"
1063 words

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