presentation • namjoon

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WARNING; fluffy. kinda lengthy. a ten your old is speaking so there will be a lot on runon dialogue (if that makes sense).

KIM NAMJOON▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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chloe made herself comfortable on the modular couch with her four month old happily nestled in her arms. she kept her eyes on the very determined ten-year old girl in front of her, a small smile gracing her face as she watched her flip through her iPad to seemingly go over some last minute things.

"you okay over there?" she asked, moving the small babbling child from her arms to comfortably sit in her lap. she smoothed over the small curls on the baby's head as she watched her eldest daughter.

nomi nodded her head at her mother's words, her own curls bobbing along. "mhm! i just need daddy to hurry up in the bathroom." she had almost a warning undertone in her voice as she talked about her father. chloe couldn't help the laugh that bubbled from her throat at her words.

"namjoon! your daughter said to hurry up." chloe called out to him, amusement heavy in her voice as she turned to use the bib around the baby to wipe the slobber from her hand. "naya, why do you slob on mommy so much?" she quietly asked.

hurried footsteps were heard as another body walked into the living room. namjoon had a sheepish smile on his face as he watched his daughter impatiently purse her lips. he took his seat next to his wife, arm wrapping around her as he finally gave the ten-year old his undivided attention.

nomi let out a tiny sigh and closed her eyes. "is noel still at practice? she asked them about her older brother.

chloe nodded. "he gets out in an hour, remember?"

nomi furrowed her brows. "well i'm gonna continue anyway." she knew her brother wouldn't necessarily care to see the presentation anyway, he had agreed to get a dog. it was their parents who needed to be convinced.

"okay! i'm here to present something to you guys... and naya." she spoke, making sure to include her baby sister. she turned her iPad around so her parents could see what was showing on the screen.

'why we should get a dog!' was what it said in pink letters with a white background, a slideshow of some sort.

chloe smiled again, turning to her husband who seemed to be equally as amused.

"a dog?" he repeated in a questioning tone.

nomi nodded at her father, moving to the next slide to begin to present. "reason one: dog's are cute! they're fluffy and they make you happy because they're so playful." she described very passionately. "if we get one we'll be happier!"

she moved to the next slide, not caring to hear what her parents had to say.

"reason two: they can help around the house! if we get a dog, we can train it to help us. like it can eat food that naya drops on the floor, or it can take the trash out with noel and sweep the floor and help me clean my room!"

namjoon chuckled at her words but let her continue.

"reason three: we'll get healthy! if we get a dog we'll have to take it on walks and play with it. this means we'll exercise."

chloe laughed at the reasoning. "baby, you and your brother play a sport. you both exercise."

nomi frowned a bit. "well daddy said he needed to lose weight, so i think a dog will be good for him the most."

namjoon's brows furrowed at the mention of him. "you think i'm fat?"

chloe smacked her lips at him, amused nonetheless. "you said you needed to lose weight, don't make my baby feel bad."

nomi ignored them both again, turning to her final slide of the presentation instead. "and last, but not least, reason number four: noel and i will take care of it the most! mommy, you said that i am responsible with naya so i think i could also be responsible with a dog! we'll pick up the poop, and give it baths, and feed it, and everything else too." she listed the many things she and her brother would do the take care of the dog, her passion reminding chloe of her husband.

it was so sweet.

"well," chloe spoke as she moved the, now fussy, baby in her lap to lay on her chest, "if we do get dog you and your brother wouldn't be the only two who have to take care of it. me and your dad would do things too." she rubbed the back of the baby in hopes that it'll be soothing. "i don't want you to think you both would have to be the only ones to care for it."

"actually i won't do a thing." najoom shrugged with a chuckle, stopping when he saw the glare from his wife. "joking..."

nomi had a hopeful look in her eyes as she listened to her parents. "so that means we can get a dog?" she clutched her iPad to her chest.

chloe and namjoon exchanged looks. "well..." he started.

"please? pretty please with a cherry on top?" nomi asked, holding her hands together as her adorable brown eyes peered at her father.

chloe actually didn't mind having a dog. it would definitely be a positive contribution to the family. the issue was whether namjoon was set.

nomi continued to stare at her father, dead set on convincing him to let them get a dog for the family. "pretty pretty please? me and noel will do a good job and be very responsible!"

namjoon stayed quiet for a second more before he sighed, turning to his wife. "i blame you for giving me such adorable kids. how can i say 'no' to that?" he motions to the pout that adorned the face of his eldest daughter. "look at her!"

a laugh slipped from chloe's lips at his words.

he turned to his daughter who was still pleading. "fine. i guess we can get a dog. we can look up some shelters after we eat dinner." he caved, eyes shutting at the thought.

a squeal erupted from the ten-year old. she almost dropped her iPad as she ran to give him an enormous hug. "thank you daddy! you're the best in the whole wide world!" she gave her mom a hug as well, making sure not to hurt her baby sister in the process. "and you too mommy!"

both parents smiled at their daughter, more than happy to see her deep dimpled grin.

"i really am the best father in the whole world, huh." namjoon spoke proudly.

chloe rolled her eyes at him.


um hi... it's been over a year since i updated this book...

i'm sorry y'all😭😭

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