return of superman • kai

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WARNING; fluffy. kinda long. dad kai. pregnant mc (eight months). lots of belly rubs. english is in italics.

KIM JONGIN▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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muffled shuffling caused harvey to open her eyes. she checked the time, eight o-clock, and not surprised as the noises continued. she let out a sigh, rubbing her swollen belly to sooth a bit of an uncomfortable kick she had received. "who kicks their mommy first thing in the morning?" she complains in her mother tongue, hissing after another sharp jab. her eyes went to her husband, who, of course, was sleeping like the dead. she looked towards the camera in the corner of their room and playfully shook her head.

she reached over to smack his butt, scoffing at how he only sleepily moved away from her, before grabbing the baby monitor. "kai-kai, mommy's coming."

it took a second—the long kind—and some comforting belly rubs to herself, but she made it, immediately slipping her swollen feet into bunny slippers, taking off her pink silk bonnet, and walking out her bedroom. she was greeted with two tents located on either side of her living room. "good morning..." she waved to them before hastily waddling towards the room of her awake three-year old.

she opened his door, and watched as more light poured through. her eyes were on the toddler in seconds though the mesh rail guard that surrounded his bed, his head of curly hair shining in the sun. he was sitting up in his bed, leaned against the rail guard with his stuffed puppy in his arm, patiently waiting for her to get to him. "mommy!" was all he said as he stood up.

"good morning, kai-kai!" she greeted, giving him a kiss on his head.

his puppy was pushed towards her face, and he spoke up. "kiss, mommy."

she grabbed the stuffy from his hands and kissed it on the head and he broke out into a smile at his mother. he then squeezed his lips together to give his mom a kiss right on the cheek as he stood on his tippy toes—and she leaned down a bit. "baby." he spoke again. his rails were a little high to lean over, so he resorted to kissing his hand and placing it on his mother's belly.

"you're such a good big brother, baby." harvey cooed, suddenly wincing as the baby kicked where his brother's hand was placed. "he enjoys your love." she chuckled.

"kaiser~" suddenly came a gruff voice. harvey turned around in the middle of leaning to pick the toddler up and saw her husband walking into the room. "don't even think about it." he warned her, moving quickly to pick up the boy instead. "the doctor said you can't pick him up like that anymore." he scolded, walking towards the bathroom.

"but... he's my baby..." she frowned, rubbing her belly as she closely followed. she grabbed some clean undergarments for her son and handed them to her husband. "don't tell me what to do." she joked, poking him in the side.

he only chuckled in response to her and waited for kaiser to go potty.

"are you hungry, kai-kai?" he asked the toddler, as he pulled the boy's clean garments down on his frame. hey let him wash his hands before picking him up to head to the kitchen.

harvey took that time to do her own business in the bathroom. "there's a camera in here too?" she asked, disbelief clear in her voice as she stared at it.

she was back soon and saw kaiser in front of one of the tents with his head curiously tilted. when he caught sight of a man, he politely waved with his small hand. "kaiser!" he turned to the other tent, waving again. "kaiser!"

harvey smiled at the little boy, rubbing her belly as she walked towards him. "they're here to record us, kai. it's for a show! isn't that so cool?" she pointed towards the tent they were in front of. "he's gonna be here with us for a little bit. him too." she gestured toward the other camera man.

"cool..." kaiser repeated, still waving at the cameraman inside the tent.

harvey rubbed his head before turning the tv on to nursery rhyme videos for the boy to sing along with as he waited for breakfast. "kai are you thirsty?" she asked, and was met with her husband's reply. "no, i'm okay."

she rolled her eyes at him. "i was talking my baby. you're not kai anymore."

jongin froze from flipping the omelet to pout at her. "i'm still kai..."

she only kissed his cheek as she grabbed a small cup for their son.


it's been a while...

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