UK (official snippet)

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OMG, finally!!!!
The song is called Dizzy! I heard the snippet on twitter, here is the link:

Okay, first thoughts,
Definitely not last place!!!🎉🎉🎉
It's good, not a winner from the first listen but Olly elevates his songs with his performances, so I do believe (in my bias opinion) that Olly can still be in the discussions for who will win! He has also specifically mentioned his performance in another statement so I think were in for a treat!
I think we can get a top 15 result with this!

I think it will appeal to the LGBTQ+ community!

A quick worry, it sounds a bit similar to Austria's song so we need to be careful there!

It feels the most a generic pop song has ever sounded fit for Eurovision! It does for me at least. I can feel a slight hint at shlager in terms of the beat and a mix between dlow and fast. I hope it really speeds up at some point!

The jury will go for this 100%! Can't wait until the full song comes out!!

Also, keep the kilt, let's finally let some Scottish culture onto the Eurovision stage!!!

The full version comes out on 1st of March! 22 days!!

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