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Beck woke up, hazily, to the birds chirping by his beautiful arched window above his head. The sunlight crept in making him squint his eyes and he began to remember where he was at. He was in his bedroom. His beautiful, cozy bedroom. He looked around, staring at the book shelf to his right, filled with every genre you could imagine. Anyone that stepped foot in his room could tell he loved reading. He inspected each plant he had in his room, making sure none of them were turning yellow or brown from dying. He felt the soft light gray duvet above him, engulfing him in a comforting warmth and smelled the sweet vanilla and mahogany mixed scent of his room.

As he was fully starting to wake up, he calmly got out of his cozy bed, feet hitting the wooden planks of his floor. It was a smooth texture that his feet were used to. He walked over to his many plants to feel the dirt, for he was checking to see if they needed any water. He smiled in content knowing his plants were healthy and hydrated. The silk white robes he slept in were draped off onto the floor as he changed into something more fitting for the day, A pair of khaki slacks and a white silk long- sleeve top that was perfectly baggy and elegant. He looked into his mirror, fixing his light brown mullet, fluffing it up to make it look a little messy. He looked hot he thought.

    He exited his room, stepping into the grand hallway, walking on the brown designed tile, looking at all the archways engraved into the walls and glancing up at the tall ceilings. He admired the many plants that lined the walls every few feet. His family all loved plants hence they were the kingdom of all nature. His eyes twinkled at the many fancy chandeliers and the gold candelabras decorating the shelves that were in the archways. The hall was lit just enough to see but the lights were very soft, very comforting. The whole place had this kind of aura, where anyone could step into Creation Essence and immediately be relieved from the stress they were holding onto. Beck really loved his home, and his parents too, King Christian Hart and Queen Charlotte Hart. Even though they were royalty, they still valued Beck and always made time for him. He knew he could go to them for anything and wouldn't be judged or put off. He was very grateful for everything he had.

     He headed towards the King and Queen's quarters, where they were most likely planning an upcoming event or discussing king and queen things. He walked up to the big, dark wooden doors, golden designs etched all over them, and pushed them open, exhaling a breath he was holding, the doors were heavy! He walked into the conference room, a big table taking up most of the room, wooden chairs with cream colored cushions lining each side of the table. He walked a little further into the room when he spotted his Mother and Father's offices next to each other. He walked up to his Mother's office, wanting to greet her first. These doors were much more smaller, still made out of the same wood but not as heavy. He slowly creeped the door open, peeping his head inside.

   His mother glanced at the door noticing Beck, "Aye, honey, did you sleep good? You look handsome as always!" she beamed.

   Beck bowed showing respect, " Thank you, Mother, I slept dandy, how about you?"

   "You dinnae not have to do all that, Beck! I'm only your mother, not some snob, honey. But I slept braw (very good)."

   "That's great Mother, I'll go see Father now!" Beck said waving his mother goodbye, walking to the door. " Bye, honey! See me whenever you need something," Beck nodded already knowing he could come whenever. He had the same conversation with his father, throwing in the topic of how Beck and his friends from the royal school were doing. It was always the same. Beck had friends but they rarely hung out. Beck preferred to be alone either reading, writing poetry, stories, or songs or looking at all the beautiful plants and animals that roamed his kingdom. He was a very smart boy, always making his parents proud with the good grades he brought home.

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