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Isabella's POV
·:*¨༺ ♕ ༻¨*:·

Isabella had woken up long ago, no particular reason. It was just normal for her since she couldn't sleep well anyways. Her feet were drifting across the gray grainy wood and her hips swaying as she was listening to music from her record player. This was one of her favorite things to do, getting lost in her favorite songs. One particular song came on that she especially fancied, Wild Mountain Thyme. She sang along beautifully with the lyrics;

Oh, the summertime is coming
And the trees are sweetly blooming
And the wild mountain thyme
Grows around the blooming heather
Will you go, lassie, go?
And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will you go, lassie, go?
And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will you go, lassie, go?
I will build my love a bower
By yon clear and crystal fountain
And on it, I will pile
All the flowers of the mountain
Will you go, lassie, go?
And we'll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will you go, lassie, go?
If my true love, he won't have me
I will surely find another
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather
Will you go, lassie, go?...

    She hummed the rest as she sat down on her bed, running her hands along the soft white, pink flowered comforter. She decided that she was done listening to music for now and wanted to head outside into United Woodland, she needed some time to think about things. She also wanted to run into Beck, today was the day she would finally confront him about his "secretive" watches. She put on her white socks pulling them all the way past her ankles then walking over grabbing her black hiking boots. She laced her boots then smoothed the white dress she was wearing down. She didn't want any leaves or branches getting tangled into her hair so she put 2 braids in her long black hair, one on each side. She was ready to go so she did just that, climbing out her bedroom window. She latched onto the cream color brick pieces that were sticking out of her palace. She looked like a very professional rock climber, she had done this so many times before.

    She didn't have to walk far since the forest started a little ways from her bedroom window. She was especially grateful for this because she always had a beautiful view from her room.

    She trekked through all the shrubs and trees, ending up in a spot she was content with which was in the middle of the forest. She sat down criss cross in the tall green grass, fixing her dress so she was sitting on it. She would always watch the lovely birds, listening to their angelic tunes or watch the tree branches rustle in the wind. She imagined herself as one of those birds being able to fly freely without a worry in the world. For how she wished so badly to have been born as a bird instead of taking on the responsibility of being a stupid queen. She loved her people and always granted them the best she could, but she hated the pressure of being the only ruler of a huge kingdom. Despite what people thought of her, irresponsible and childish, she actually did her job as queen but even she understood that everyone needs a break sometimes and it was okay for her to have excessive amounts of it. That didn't mean she didn't do her job though. She often stayed up late nights planning and protecting her kingdom which she was okay with since she couldn't find it in her to sleep that much anyways. And throughout the day she would always stay in her own little world, forgetting she was a queen and she was content. Except when she was called unexpectedly for meetings and had to rush to them.

    Ever since her parents died she had been in distraught and immediately being crowned queen after made it even worse. And the thing that bothers her the most is that no one even knows who killed her parents or why. It seemed everyone loved her parents, they were a great king and queen. When she heard the news that they were killed on the way back from a neighboring kingdom, she completely broke down, for she had always worried for her parents well being every time they went on their travels, especially this time. And now she knew why. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that they were actually gone, she missed them so much.

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