Chapter 11: Christmas day Part 1.5; A Little Moment

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Waiting underneath a bus stop, you and Frank stood side-by-side in silence. You glanced at Frank, wondering what's on his mind.
    A few moment later, the bus came rolling in and the both of you entered. Frank, in the end, took the window seat after much insistence from you and not wanting to push it further, finally gave in. His eyes roamed the street. Everything he laid his eyes on was all the spirit of Christmas. Looking above everyone walking below on the sidewalk or driving in the road, dangling lights danced between building after building.
    Focusing on the people walking by, he could spot the cheeriness and happiness expressed on the people's faces. Something he used to strived for long ago. That pursuit slowly died down the more truth sets in, drowning his heart.
    You, leaning forward to peek through the window, asked, "How do you like it?"
    Frank heard your words, though his attention couldn't peel away from the window. He only nodded in response. You couldn't tell if he was either too entranced by what he's seeing to focus on you or is simply ignoring you.
    You stopped staring and faced forward the moment the bus began to vibrate, leaning your back against the seat with arms crossed to get yourself in a comfortable position for the journey ahead.
    "I think I'm gonna to take a nap. Can you wake me up if we get there?"
    Turning to you, you smiled when he nodded in approval. "Thank you, Frank."

    When it reached the 5-minute mark, you were lights out. Frank didn't notice as his gaze remains fixated outside until some weight plopped on his shoulder. Despite not looking, he wasn't oblivious to the point he doubted his claim. He knew it was your head on his shoulder and yet didn't bother looking, arms remained crossed.
Out of curiosity however, he decidedly looked over at you.
    Seeing your face up-close drummed his heart against his chest. He, slightly embarrassed and mortified by the realization your head is touching his shoulder and being this close, swiftly looked away. Again, he never had a fondness for particularly long physical touches. A little fist bump was what he can tolerate remembering the day you saved him.
    But during the whole ride, he urged pushing you away combined with the guilt, thinking it could be too much for someone who had technically been kind to him from beginning to now. A small gesture cushioning your head is the least he could do for today. It's beyond easy, comparing all the things you've done for him. From preventing him death, providing food, and now, bribing him gifts. As well as accepting his own invitation in your plan and inviting him yourself in this one.
    Frank sighed, taking in his lack of decency.
    This time, Frank willingly looked down at you again and observed your features. Unlike before, he's seen the truly relaxed side of you. Showing just how much trust you have to be unconscious around him. Trusting that he wouldn't do anything and prevent any danger.
    More remorse bubbled within him.
    Without realizing, he too felt sleepy and copied your movements. Resting his back against the seat and getting comfortable as he thought there's nothing he can do now but to do just that; forgetting he's suppose to wake you up. He eventually fell into the same slumber and in an instant, fell asleep right after you.

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