Chapter 1: Strange One

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    It took a couple weeks until you made the decision to leave the job. Months passed saving up to take another plane far away from the city.
    After finding out about a diner named, "Skate Heaven" that required participating workers after you moved into another city, you decided to apply. That was when your life had fully took a turn. You've made friends with Mully, your employer/coworker, and a group of teenagers who frequently dines. One of the rest is the youngest named Yutani, step-daughter of your employer.
    Even though working as a diner employee is not listed in your backup occupations, you had zero complaints about being one in this establishment. You finally got better treatment than your last job and it's even more than you could ever ask for, leaving this as your almost second year stay.
    Thanks to your father's encouragement that you were able to live comfortable up until now.

    Currently taking a customer's orders, the bell above alerted another customer walking but you were too focused dotting down the orders to not notice. But after hanging the order up on the rack, you notice a man, with an off-putting atmosphere, wearing a black fedora and coat sitting on one of the cushioned stools. The visor of his fedora was tilted downwards, making it a bit difficult to view his eyes until he automatically looked up at you. This frightened you, but your composure as a waiter remained. Taking a menu stacked above all the other ones, you rushed to the man and did you usual greeting, "Welcome to Skate Heaven," before handing him the menu with a smile.
    "Please, let us know once you are done ordering, sir."
    He slightly smiled and nodded in response and you then begin walking away only to unexpectedly be stopped by his voice radiating with a tint of a British accent.

    "Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt," he said. You turned around slowly walking back from where you stood. "Oh, why you aren't at all. Anything I can help you with?" You wondered.
    "I'm a detective," he remarked, taking out his wallet and displaying his badge in front of you. "Benever Tannen. Detective Tannen if you will," he added, reaching a hand out to be shaken.
    You blinked surprised with curiosity behind your gaze. The sudden introduction caught you off guard whereas it took you a moment on what to say. You practically jumped when noticing his hand outstretched and instantly shook it saying, "I'm sorry about that. Nice to meet you, Detective Tannen. I'm (Y/N) (L/A)."
    After shaking hands, the detective afterwards slipped out a business card from one of his coat pockets and handed it to you. "Here's my business card. I'll explain everything of a current situation we are experiencing."
    You looked down at it and took it. It included his name, number, email, address, and a picture of a similar badge to the one from his wallet.
    "So, (Y/N)," he began, "there has been a minor inconvenience roaming around the city about an individual who we believe meddles with abnormal activity. No cop or detective have had any progress finding the culprit, but we have faith in those taking a part of this disguised as an everyday norm. You, especially."
    You asked, "But why am I involved?"
    The detective explained furthermore, "The people who are involved have shifts that end at around the same time as yours. And the individual can be anywhere, this area too by nighttime. It is also rumored around stations that whoever this criminal is, is a good one. They are fast, smart, and easy-going."
    Upon this information explained so seriously by the detective, you felt a chill go up your spine. Not even detectives or officers could catch the criminal and are now relying on people with none of those occupations so they are to blend in.
    The detective caught on to your concern, understanding why you feel this way while continuing to watch for your confirmation. You nodded understandably.
    "I see. Well, do you know what the person looks like?"
    It chilled you further not hearing an immediate response from the detective. He answered regardless, "No, unfortunately. Security cameras mysteriously turn off whenever comes the presence of the individual."
    "I understand," you lowly replied.
    "However, there was one footage we were able to capture in one of the security cameras the person didn't manage to get pass by and it only shows something faintly glowing and red shown. Keep that in mind."
    With that one feature you can point out in the person, it brought you back some relief. The detective noticed and nodded.
    "Please call the number on the card if you spot someone with that particular trait. I believe we will catch them."
    Your eyes sparkled as the determination was radiating off the detective. "Of course."
    The detective smiled and nodded. "Alright then. Thank you for sparing your time, (Y/N) I will take my leave now."
    Shaking hands once more, you said your farewell to the man. You did take one more glance at the card before continuing your work and even mentioning it to your employer.

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