Chapter 4: Forgiveness

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A basket was being carried by none other than you, wandering in each aisle looking around to see if any snacks or ingredients catches your eyes. Perhaps you could bake something new out of fun and in that way, you could see if it's meant for you! Cookies, maybe? Cupcakes? Cinnamon rolls? There were so many choices you have thought of and unfortunately, there's a limit to your money-spending. However, cookies were your choice to bake so you gathered all the ingredients with the intent of having them homemade instead of those store-bought ones.
And then you walked to one of the cashiers full of lines and waited. Once it was your turn, your grocery got checked out and you're now off.
Upon stepping foot outside, you've noticed how the sky was full of clouds, creating a blinding light to your eyes. But you knew it's about to start sprinkling any moment. In a hurry, you speed-walked all the way from the grocery store to almost arriving to your apartment. Just then, a voice yelled out your name.
"(Y/N)!" It was from the one and only Jake.
Turning around to the direction of his voice, your eyes observed the other three who hustled alongside Jake towards you. Everyone began to bombard you with questions; asking where've you been, or if you're still upset.
"Wait! Stop, stop! You're all going too fast! To answer, I've been at home until yesterday when I visited the diner. Today, I decided to buy grocery," you answered with a shrug.
"And no, I'm not upset. Well. ." you looked to the side. "Not anymore."
The teenagers' eyes were glistening, clearly they have missed you and all went for a jumbled hug. This caught you by surprise, but you smiled and hugged them back. A couple seconds gone by and you all of a sudden heard, "We've missed you."
Looking down, it was Yutani who said it.
You sighed happily. The soft look in your eyes told them you have missed them as well.
    "I missed you guys too," you said.
Just then, you felt a water droplet fall underneath your eye. Looking up at the sky, you could see other droplets began to fall all around everyone, indicating it was going to rain.
Adverting your attention to the group, you suggested taking everyone in your apartment to shelter in, seeing how you were already close by while the their homes were known to be far and you all didn't want to be soaked along the way to each house without an umbrella.

. . .

You were the last one to enter and close the door without locking. Walking to the counter, you placed down the groceries you've been carrying.
"Wow, it sure has been long since we last visited," Tricky stated while observing the interior and seeing how different everything looked besides the Christmas-themed decors. Everyone who too was scrutinizing the area nodded in agreement.
When you entered the living room, everyone's eyes were on you as you told them you were going to make a call. Everyone agreed and planned to keep as quiet as possible talking.
Scrolling through your contacts, you stopped at the name "Employer" and pressed on it which took you to his profile. Pressing the call button, the phone was then placed next to your ear. It rang longer than usual, causing you to lose hope of Mully picking up most likely due to work but you continued to be patient. Almost a minute went by and the ringing still continued to loop. After your multiple calls remain denied, you were left with the option to send a voicemail.
After the beep, you spoke into the phone." Hey, Mully," you began. "I know you're at work right now, but I tried calling you to let you know your daughter as well as the three other kids are here with me in my apartment. I bumped into them on the way back from grocery shopping and it began to rain, so I offered to shelter them in because we were already nearby my home. Call me back when you aren't too busy."
You pressed the end call button and turned around to view the group with a smile. They were chatting about their adventures and other topics over the cookies you made for them, clearly enjoying themselves while laughing due to one of the topics recalling someone humorous. You then walked over to them and sat on one of the arm rests of the couch, catching all their attention.
"So Mully is currently busy because of work which means you all can stay here-"
Before you could finish, all of them began to cheer until you cut them off to finish.
"But, but, but! Only for as long as Mully is busy and the moment he is updated from my voicemail, he will call back and will be over shortly. After that, it's my cue to return you all back to your homes. Capeesh?"
Because of the four teenagers' groans of your condition, you smiled shaking your head.
"Now, don't be like that. It's for the best so I don't get scolded and that you all are safe."
"But why? It's only a small mistake, big deal!" Jake whined.
You sighed. "Because of you darn rascals, I've been suspended for two weeks because I let you all off to another place outside the pin-pointed area. Now he can't trust me as much as he did before."
Everyone stared at you in shame by the mentioning of the suspension incident.
"Now, now, I've already forgiven you four. As of right now, all I need is for your cooperation in order to gain Mully's trust back. Can you do that?" Your reassurance seemed to have lightened the teens' hopes and all agreed determinedly. By this, you felt happy they were able to want to get Mully's trust for you.
"Thanks guys. I admire your dedications a whole lot," you said.

. . .

During the rest of the time, all of you spent those moment together watching a show while munching on cookies and milk. It has been a blast but unfortunately when lunch came around, your phone vibrated. It was apparently Mully calling and so you picked up. From the other end, you can hear his voice speak.
    "Hey, (Y/N)! I just got your voicemail. Thank you for taking care of them, I'm on my way now."
The teenagers were eavesdropping on Mully's and your conversation and felt disappointed when hearing his faint voice, knowing they'll have to leave any minute.
You nodded, trying not to chuckle while responding, "Of course, Mully! See you soon." and then you hung up.
"Guess you will be heading out later. How do you all feel?" When asking that, you aimed to tease them about their dissatisfaction and awaited for their exact reaction. As expected, they groaned and whined. You only chuckled at their reactions as they slumped in their seats.

. . .

Knocks on your door occurred, turning everyone's head towards that direction.
"Oop, seems like Mully is here. Get ready while I get the door," you requested and everyone did so, putting on their shoes.
You walked over to the door and peeked out through the peephole just in case. Mully was revealed to be standing just outside of the door so you opened it, smiling upon seeing him.
"Hello, Mully. The kids are right here," you said while the group stood out from behind you.
"Ready to go?"
All of them nodded and everyone walked out of your apartment.

    Both yours and Mully's umbrellas combined in order to fit all six of you under it to avoid getting wet while walking to the direction of Skate Heaven

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Both yours and Mully's umbrellas combined in order to fit all six of you under it to avoid getting wet while walking to the direction of Skate Heaven. It's practically Mully's and Yutani's home because just behind the diner is another area of it where they live in. When arriving on the porch of the diner, everyone stood in front of the metal fence located on the very left side of the diner. Mully and Yutani opened it and turned around to face you.
"Thank you, (Y/N) for bringing Yutani back. Have a nice day all of you.
Everyone gave their farewells and the three other teenagers followed you. After time was taken cautiously walking down the slippery, wet stairs step-by-step and everyone was now at the bottom, you asked, "Who wants to be taken home next?"
Fresh volunteered to be taken home first and so everyone walked to that direction. After Fresh, was next Tricky before lastly, Jake, leaving you all alone again. You walked out of the apartment complex that Jake lives in and observed the wet and dull surroundings, taking in the pitter patter sound against your umbrella and concrete. You purposely delayed your time back home as you took it slow traveling across the city only for the sounds of rain to satisfy your ears further.

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