Chapter 10: Christmas day Part 1; Presents

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For the rest of the week, work continued as normal. Christmas break inched closer and closer the more days that gone by, expanding your excitement. An amusement park you plan on going during Christmas had a day not forgotten. It only excited you more. When it had reached Friday, you practically were beaming the whole entire day.
When Christmas came, you went to the bank to transfer a stack of money in your father's account as a surprise Christmas gift. Once your father found out about it, he called you, happily thanking you for it. He was at work at the time though disguised his brief excuse as an "emergency call" he is required to answer so time was sadly cut short. In the end, you were happy he felt happy and it was all that matters.
You were able to buy a shirt with Mully's favorite band on it and an alien plushie.
    Previously while shopping for your employer's and his daughter's presents, Frank crossed your mind again, wondering if a gift given to him would be okay or strange since the two of you barely talk or hang out. In the end, you shrugged and went for the initiative.
Wrapping Yutani's and Mully's gifts were a breeze. For Frank's however, it wasn't because wrapping was the problem, but it's that you knew little of him and here you are buying him a gift. But you went with what you felt was right. Nothing wrong doing so, right?
    Looking down at the gifts proudly, that pride suddenly gets replaced with sadness remembering your father's absence. Before living alone, the two of you would always celebrate Christmas. Not even limited to Christmas, but every celebration, of course. Now, your second-year celebration remains an empty feeling when realizing your father isn't with you. Not even you can book a plane due to not saving enough money and the least you could do is transfer some.
"Next year," you vowed to yourself.

. . .

When it turned afternoon, you started heading to Mully's place, all three gifts held in your arms. You went around Skate Heaven and past the metal fence, now standing on the porch of Mully's home and knocked the door. The door opened to reveal Mully who seemed surprised.
"Well, well, Merry Christmas, (Y/N)!" said Mully.
    "Merry Christmas, Mully!" you said back.
Mully's eyes then quickly adverted down towards the gifts you're holding questioningly and asked, "What brings you here?"
You, not wasting a moment, said, "Oh! I'm actually here to bring you and your daughter gifts." Reaching them out with pride, Mully's eyes sparkled.
Retrieving the gift, he smiled thanking you. "Y'know, you can come in if you want. We're making lunch right now before we head out to visit relatives."
You happily accepted the offer and walked into the cozy setting. From feeling cold from the outdoors to being embrace by the warmth of Mully's home, you sighed satisfied. The interior was decorated with Christmas-themed decorum from top to bottom and nothing tops it off without a Christmas tree.
"Wow, Mully, you guys really went all out with the decorations. I mean- I did the same, but mine's isn't half as good as this," you said.
"Ah gee, you flatter me. Christmas is our favorite holiday after all," said Mully.
Both now in the living room, spotted Yutani eating a sandwich as she just noticed you, immediately jumping off her seat and hugging you.
"Hi, (Y/N)! Why are you here?" Yutani asked curious.
"(Y/N) just came to give us presents," Mully answered for you while placing the presents alongside the others underneath the tree.
"Oh, sweet! Is that for us too?" Yutani suddenly asked, pointing out the wrapped hand-sized cube in your hand. You automatically looked down and vaguely said, "Oh, this? It's for a friend."
Mully overheard your answer, not being the type to just drop a topic answered indistinctly. And by this case, he butted in by pushing questions such as, "who's your friend?" or "how long have you two known each other?"
The questions embarrassed you knowing Mully's intent behind them were to tease you, but he eventually dropped the questionnaire, to your relief.
"That's cool, what's inside by the way?" asked Yutani.
At first, you didn't know if you should tell what contains inside, but realized Mully haven't even met him and wouldn't be someone to tattle on you. Even if you remembered Yutani seeing you and him talk, you didn't mind either. "Eh, you guys don't know him anyways," you said shrugging. "It's a mug. Simple, but he just seems to be a coffee lover of some sort. I don't even know much about him too honestly."
"Ah, so fairly recent you met?" Mully smugly asked, picking up in his teasing.
"Don't start," you sighed embarrassed as Yutani giggled.

For the rest of the time being, you ate lunch with the father and daughter while chatting about what the three of you will be doing during the break. You mentioned the amusement park you'll be going which Yutani desperately wanted to go, but unfortunately for her, she has to tag along with her father.
When you had to leave, you left thanking Mully for the invitation and remained standing on the front porch. You were fixated on your phone, reluctantly eyeing Frank's message contact between texting him or not. Why trouble yourself over a simple request? Making the decision to send a message to him, you typed:
    "Hello, Frank, long time! Sorry that this is sudden but I plan on giving you a gift but I wasn't sure when you're free to meet up with me next to the fountain in Delorean Park or if you are willing to send me your address so I can drop it off to you. If not today, then some other day is fine."
The more he read your message, the more annoyed he got. He felt annoyed by the thought of your consideration for him to gift him a present. In just about a minute or so, he sent his reply which read:
"Hello, (Y/N). I'm afraid I won't be free for now and I prefer not to send you my address."
You understood and replied back:
"I see. That's okay! When can I give it to you then? If it's after 6, I can't."
    Behind the other end of the screen, Frank read your message with wonder and not even thinking, typed:
"Oh? Why so?"
You blinked a little stunned by the serious business man's sudden curiosity. Judging by the fact he seems to have such little interest continuing a conversation or speak out his interests. You replied without questioning his response:
"It's because I'm going to an amusement park for a Christmas Festival. The closest one here is about a thirty-minute drive away."
When reading your message, he had mixed feelings about it. Perhaps it's the reminder that he could never be as spirited as you and even you as well don't seem to have anybody to tag along with. Or maybe you do, how was he suppose to know? All he's ever done each year in the jolly season is depressing work over work.
"I see. Very well then. I'll likely will be free by the end of 4 so we have the chance to meet today." Frank sent.
You smiled and responded with:
"Alright then. You'll let me know so I can start going to the fountain, right?"
"Okay then! Talk to you soon, Frank!"
Frank's message for yours read: "Thank you and see you soon." briefly ending the conversation.
After slipping your phone back in your pocket, you look down at Frank's gift in your hand before heading straight home.

. . .

    Reaching the end of 4, Frank had gave a message update without your knowledge due to currently baking cookies which took you away from paying attention to the time until you went to using the timer. So when you reached for your phone, the instant your eyes landed on his message was when you began internally panicking as you were hoping Frank wasn't in a rush. You messaged him about your situation and is sent into great relief reading his response:
    "Don't worry. I'll be here waiting. Take your time."

    When the cookies were finally done baking, you slid in a good portion of them in a treat bag and sealed with a red and green ribbon as an additional gift for him before rushing to your's and Frank's rendezvous.
    You arrived at the park but felt skeptical about the person sitting at the bench against the fountain. Something about him told you it was Frank but his appearance said otherwise from how differently he's dressed. If it were him, you felt thankful he's finally wearing something warm by the long coat over his usual attire minus the blazer. And if it were really him, you'd be surprised he's covering his face by only tinted circular glasses and a black surgical mask instead of the usual full-faced one you'll always see him wear. Calling out his name, he confirmed himself by looking at you and waving. Waving back smiling, went over to him gifts in hand.
    "Hey, Frank! You look. . . different today. Quite dapper too," you said.
    Frank only nodded at your observation like it's out of the unordinary.
    "Anyway, here's your gift! You don't have to open it now if you'd like. And the cookies is just a last minute thing."
    Watching as you handed the two things out to him, his hands reluctantly took them. He nodded in gratitude without a thought on what to do next.
    "Do you plan on opening it now or. . ?"
    Frank shook his head.
    Afterwards, there was an awkward silence until you spoke up again ready to leave. "Alright then, I should be going home now."
    Just then, the thought of inviting Frank with you to the Christmas Festival crossed your mind and stopped your tracks. Turning around, you said, "Oh, and Frank?"
    The anonymous man heard you call out and spun around and face you.
    "Sorry, haha, another last minute-thing. But. . would you like to come with me to the festival?"

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