51| I Saw Red

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Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I loved absolutely everything about it. There was just something about the whole process of dressing up as someone -- or something -- else that excited me.

In a way, you got to live a completely different life for one night. Well, sorta. I also grew up with the tradition of watching a horror movie of my choice with my mom and dad. Last year it was Phantom of the Opera. I'd seen that one many times.

But I wanted to dig a little deeper into the classics this time and decided on Frankenstein. My mom loved Frankenstein. I was hoping it would start to mend this icy rift between us regarding the elephant in the room.

But the movie was going to happen after the Halloween masquerade party that Nathan, the girls, and I were going to. Speaking of my boyfriend, he was going to pick me up but I decided the girls and I should ride together. It'd been awhile since we hung out and I figured it would be fun.

And It was. We listened to a new CD that Lanie burned titled Halloween Mix. It was full of all the classics. I Put A Spell On You. That one was Bette Midler from Hocus Pocus. There was also Monster Mash and Thriller. Time Warp, from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

We sang along to all of them, and I had to admit, I missed having girl time.

"We need to do this more often." I said to Harper and Lanie before turning my car off when we arrived at the party.

Lanie snickered from beside me as she got out. "Says the girl who can't stop spending time with her boyfriend."

The three of us started walking up the long driveway to the giant house where the party was being held. One of the boys on the hockey team was throwing it, and the only reason I agreed to this was because I loved masquerade parties. And Nathan really wanted to bring me.

When he mentioned the party to me, he wasn't shy about telling me exactly why he wanted to go.

"I want to dance with you in front of everyone, gorgeous. I love showing you off. Showing them that you're my girl. Then when it's over, you and I are going to sneak off somewhere and I'm going to fuck you in your dress."

Recalling his words caused a shiver to crawl down my spine. I was very much looking forward to the after part of this party. Nathan and my own little 'after party' I guess you could call it. The heavy tone of passion in his voice told me exactly what he had planned for after.

"Where's Nate?" Harper asked as we approached the door. "He said he was meeting us here, right?"

"He probably bailed." Lanie teased.

Just as I went to open the door, someone came out of it, stumbling and clearly intoxicated. I held the door open and waited for them to pass.

"Nathan didn't bail. Believe me. I'm sure he's just--"

"Hello gorgeous."

That voice had me smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. I turned around, and holy shit he looked good tonight. Dressed in a black tux, Nathan had his hair slicked back and wore the masquerade mask that I brought for him. This 'after party' needed to happen like. . . now.

"Hey, yourself."

I walked back down the small set of stairs to stand in front of him. He pulled me into his arms immediately, running a hot gaze over the length of my dress.

"Do you know how sexy you look tonight?" Bending forward, he put his mouth to my ear. "You have no idea now how bad I want you right now, baby. You look fucking beautiful tonight."

Heartstrings (Prequel) Forbidden Heart SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang