37| Stolen Moments

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Passion was something that I've always considered vital when it came to being in a relationship. Now that I was finally with someone, I had to say that it's better than I imagined.

It's been a week since Nathan took me on our first real date for that picnic. It's also been a week since we both told our parents that we were a couple.

His parents were thrilled. They even thanked me for making an honest boy out of their son. My parents were a totally different story. At least my mom was.

She had always like Nathan, but she also heard rumors about how he was with girls. Who hasn't? So, when I told her that he and I were in a relationship, she didn't believe it at first. Then when she realized I was serious, she wanted me to break it off with him. It took a lot of arguing to finally convince her to let us have a shot. She kept saying she was just worried about me getting hurt. In the beginning, I was afraid of that too. But not anymore. I trusted Nathan.

I was also crazy about him. The amount of chemistry between us was unbelievable. We just fit. There were a few times I caught myself wondering why we hadn't gotten together sooner.

Then there was the passion. As much as I was crazy about him, he was just as crazy about me. Maybe even more so. Whenever we were together, it was like he always had to be touching me in some way. If we were in public, he would reach for my hand. Or he would wrap his arm around my shoulders. When we were alone, he would hold me. Kiss me.

Fuck. . . the kissing. That boy was so talented that he could probably go pro. He kissed me like he was starved for it. Starved for me.

I felt the same way. It was like we couldn't get enough of kissing each other. We took advantage of as many stolen moments as we could. When he came to hang out with me at my house, my parents made me keep the door open. So, he would tug me into the corner or someplace out of my parents' line-of-sight to steal a few kisses.

We had a lot more freedom at his house. We would spend hours laying on his bed, just talking and kissing. Mostly kissing. Sometimes the moment would get so heated that he would pull away from me. Even though he hasn't brought it up, I knew that he wanted more. But I also knew that he didn't want to rush things with me. I appreciated that since I wasn't ready, but a part of me wanted him to lose control.

"Tell me how I let you guys talk me into coming in here to freeze my ass off again." Harper mumbled from beside me.

Sitting next to her on the bleachers, I chuckled as I watched Nathan skate towards me on the ice. His eyes found me as soon as I walked into where they practiced. It was like he could sense when I was around him.

"We're here because the latest guy you're crushing on is on the hockey team. And I want to watch my boyfriend practice."

Harper sucked her teeth. "I'm not crushing on him."

"Then why did you make us stalk him when we were in the mall?"

Harper's cheeks turn red as tomatoes. "Whatever. Where's Lanie? She's the one who made a big stink about me coming."

"She had to take care of something. She should be here soon."

I was pretty sure Lanie was making out with her latest crush in the parking lot somewhere. She was all crpytic when we met up after school and then disappeared. When something like that happened, it was usually because of a boy.

"You know, I still can't believe you're in a relationship. I mean. . . you're in a relationship, Karma. With Nate."

Harper wasn't the only one who had trouble processing that little bit of reality. But I had to say, it was definitely growing on me.

Heartstrings (Prequel) Forbidden Heart SeriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum