35| Confessions of a Teenage Best Friend

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"Start from the beginning."

Well, Lanie sure made it sound so easy, didn't she?

I inhaled a very much needed deep breath before I glanced at Nathan. He was sitting beside me on his bed while Lanie was in the chair at his desk across from us. This was exactly what I didn't want to happen. I didn't want her finding out any other way than by me. But it seemed like the cat was out of the bag on that one.

"It started at the beach. I'd gotten into an argument with my mom and we emotionally eating some ice cream when Nathan came home from a date. He found me in the kitchen and offered to sit with me in the living room and watch a movie. So, we did. The next morning, I wanted to get out of the hotel. Nathan offered to give me a ride and took me bowling and to get something to eat."

Okay, the second part of that wasn't exactly the truth, but I couldn't deal with the whole USF thing right now. That was something I wanted to tell Harper and Lanie in private. Just the three of us.

"He took you bowling? He stinks at bowling."

Nathan snickered next to me. "I'm better than Karma."

"Anyways," I drawled, giving him a warning look. "We kind of just started connecting after that."

Lanie raised her brows. "Connecting? Connecting how, exactly?"

I went on to explain all about the lingering glances and the night at the club. The latter really got Lanies's attention. She was surprised that I danced at all, let alone with a complete stranger. And then fact that I was drunk. Then when she heard about my dance with Nathan. . . let's just say her jaw dropped a little.

Due to my lack of memory from the second half of that night, Nathan explained the next part to her. I tried and failed not to blush when he described what happened in his bedroom. Even though we didn't kiss or anything, it still felt like a huge deal.

"Wow, Nate," she breathed with surprise. "I can't believe you did that for her."

She was referring to Nathan holding me while I slept in his bed. I still had a hard time believing that myself.

"I'll be honest with you, little sis. I was scared shitless." Nathan chuckled before smiling at me. "But I just couldn't say no to you that night."

I smiled back at him. "I don't think I gave you much of a choice."

Lanie cleared her throat. "Can we get back to the story please? What happened next?"

My best friend was an impatient one. I couldn't blame her though. if she had a story as juicy and surprising as this one, I would be in a hurry to hear it, too. But not knowing how she felt about this was killing me. More importantly, how she felt about keeping it from her.

I didn't bring up the whole hot tub thing. And neither did Nathan. Even though nothing happened that night as far as kissing, something did happen that night. It felt like something changed between us while we talked in that steamy water. Which is why I chickened out when he came so close to kissing me.

So close.

So we didn't tell Lanie about that night. Some things were just meant for the two of us. But we did tell her about the day before the hot tub.

"She kept blowing me off and trying to push me away," Nathan said from beside me. "Wouldn't give me the time of day. Just liked to tease me in that damn bikini."

"Excuse me? You let what's-her-name with the fake rack hang all over you while we played volleyball."

He scoffed and leaned forward to balance his elbows on his knees. "I was pretending to let her hang all over me. And that was only because that guy kept hitting on you."

Heartstrings (Prequel) Forbidden Heart SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora