39| Putting on the Brakes

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It's been a week since the incident at Nathan's hockey practice with Trampy Trish, and we were finally starting to find our groove. I mean, were there still girls eyeing Nathan and trying to talk to him? Yes. But I was getting better at this whole jealousy thing.

Okay, that was a lie. Whenever a girl looked at him like they've seen him naked, I wanted to claw their eyes out. Because some of them probably have. But he was right about what he said to me by the pool. None of those girls knew him like I did. None of them had this piece of him. I just had to keep reminding myself of that.

And it wasn't like Nathan had any more control over getting jealous than I did. When one of Mike's friends walked over with him to just say hey to me at school, Nathan appeared as if from nowhere, draped an arm over my shoulders and gave me a hard kiss. He didn't even need to say anything. His message came across loud and clear.

"What do you wanna listen to?" Lanie asked me.

Her parents invited me over for dinner tonight. I was so happy that they were so accepting of me and Nathan. It was the main reason I preferred hanging out over here so much. Besides the fact that Nathan and I had more privacy here. And let me just say, it was so hard knowing that he was just in the next room right now.

But I promised myself that I wouldn't let my relationship take away time with my best friends. Hence the reason Lanie and I were sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor with burned CDs spread out around us.

Reaching forward, I picked one up that had Beach Mix written across it in permanent marker. "I don't know. I'm in more of a punk mood tonight."

Lanie nodded as looked at the options. "Okay, cool. We got Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Jimmy Eat World, Good Charlotte, Foo Fighters, or Blink 182. You pick."

How about Blink 182?"

"You got it."

Grabbing the CD from the dozens in front of her, she got up and put it in her CD player. All The Small Things started playing after a few seconds and I instantly found myself bobbing my head to the music. With all this college drama going on, some punk was good for my soul right now.

"So had my brother been behaving himself?"

She returned to her seat across from me and I snorted at her question. "I thought you didn't want to hear about that stuff."

"I said I didn't want to hear about the yuck stuff. You know, kissing and. . . yeah. But if he hasn't been a good boyfriend then you need to tell me so I can beat his ass."

Just as I went to answer her, Nathan appeared in the doorway. "I can hear you, L." He looked at me and winked before returning to his room.

"He's so annoying." She whined. "So, tell me."

Shaking my head, I couldn't help but smile. "He's been fine, Lanie. Seriously. We worked it out."

"Good. You're my best friend and I got your back. Don't forget it."

She was right about that. After I saw her later that day, it took a lot of convincing to make her believe that she didn't need to beat Nathan with a stick for talking to Trampy Trish. I explained what he told me and assured her it was the truth. One thing I knew for certain was that Nathan didn't lie to me. It was hard to explain how I knew. I just did. And it was the same with me. He knew when I was being less than honest.

"Hey, Ladies," Mr. Jenkins said from the doorway. "I heard the music from the kitchen and wanted to come see where the party was."

"No party, dad. Karma and I are just hanging out."

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