43| Other Things

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"So Nate forgot about your anniversary, huh?"

Laying on my bed, I continued flipping through the newest Cosmo, not even bothering to read any of the content inside. "I think so. I mean, I know it's only been a month, and that isn't a huge milestone, but I thought he would at least acknowledge it."

"I don't know, Fitz. He's pretty new to the whole relationship thing. Maybe it just didn't occur to him. Cut him some slack."

I turned another page. "Since when did you join his fan club?"

"Since he started dating you and seems to actually be a stand-up guy. I nearly passed out when he invited me for a game of pool. I thought it was a prank."

That made me chuckle. In the beginning of our relationship, I pleaded with Nathan to spend some time with Mike so he could get to know him. He said he would, but it took a couple weeks. I kept pestering Nathan, reminding him of that promise, but he would always blame it on our marathon kissing sessions.

"I'm glad you guys are getting along now."

"I'm just glad he's actually calling me Mike. That was driving me crazy."

Smiling, I rolled off my bed and walked over to my dresser. "Yeah, I know. He did it to drive me crazy."

"Well, I'm just glad that's over."

"How is everything with you and Gisel?" I asked curiously. Lately I've been lost in this whole new relationship glow with Nathan and haven't had a lot of time to hang out with Mike. We definitely needed to right that wrong.

"It's better. The whole thing is an adjustment and it's going to take time. But we're okay."

"That's good. I was worried about you two." Gisel and Mike were the most solid couple I knew. If they fell apart, then I felt like every relationship was doomed.

My cell phone vibrated to alert me that I had a new text. Looking at the screen, I saw it was from Nathan.

Meet me at the treehouse in one hour.

With a frown, I put the phone back to my ear. "I just got a text from Nathan. He wants me to meet up with him."

"That's good, right? Maybe it's an anniversary dinner date."

I doubted it. He probably just wanted to kiss until we both got so worked up by our hormones that we would have to stop. Then I wouldn't see him for hours after.

The treehouse has been Nathan's go-to make-out hanging over the past two weeks. Since it was a secret spit, there wasn't a risk of us being caught by Nick catching us, but Nathan said he always made sure Nick was busy doing something.

And my house was too much of a risk with my parents who liked to just walk in my bedroom unannounced. Their No Locked Doors policy didn't help matter either.

"Maybe," I said to Mike. "Can I call you later?"

"Sure, Fitz. Have fun. And happy anniversary."

I smiled at that last part. "Thank you, Mike. I'll call you tonight. Bye."

Throwing my phone on my bed, I ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower before quick picking out an outfit to wear. I was curious about his invitation to the treehouse. Was he planning something for our one month anniversary? Or was I being absolutely ridiculous for thinking one month was a big deal?

What was the rule on anniversaries anyway? Was it only three, six and nine months that mattered? Besides the big one year, of course. God, what if Nathan and I made it to a year? And what if we ended up falling in love with each other? One thing I knew for sure, in love or not, I wasn't going to USF. The thought of being so far away from Lanie and Harper was hard enough. Adding Nathan to the mix made my heart hurt.

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