Closing Lines

18 3 5

I guess the moment has come at last. I did it, I finished my first poemary. Of course, my first poems are quite embarrassing to read now. They feel so raw and, well, basic, but as with my drawings, this was a long process becoming more confident with my words.

I have to admit I wish I had a greater control of the English language, were able to remember and use greater words, but I'm happy that I was able to convey so much of what I felt without all those impressive words.

As for the announcement I made a few weeks ago. This is not the end of my publishing days, though I will take a long break after around three or four years publishing steadily here (although I started around six years ago when I was 13), Wattpad just isn't a good platform for me. I want to work on some small projects, like the one I talked about, as well as my big novel I've been working on for the past few years. If you want to know more about that, make sure to check out my bookstagram account (nerak.writes).

There's a chance I might join some writing challenges again from the Plottery account on insta, but with uni murdering me slowly, we'll see.

Anyway, enough of my life. Have an amazing day you guys, and thank for reading through all my trauma, I hope the last poems made it all worth it, and don't forget to comment your favorite one! I'd love to read y'all's opinion!

Till next time,

:)   ·-·   (:

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