The poets

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I was in philosophy and something my teacher said got me thinking. So I have this short conversation I came up with.

"'Life is merely a dream', the poets said. And perhaps they were right. Perhaps all that we suffer is a nightmare we wake from when we die, when we truly wake up. So maybe it's not even worth it to keep fighting the dream. Maybe I just have to let the current take me away."

"But then, what's the point?"

And I reply, "The point is to dream until we wake."

And you ask again, "What's the point if we don't fight for each breath, for each moment?" And I hesitate. "Why bother," you continue, "if we can shorten the dream to end the nightmare sooner. Why should we fight, if we can drown?"

And I'm speechless at your words. Baffled at the lies written on paper, and truths I have been forced to hear.

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