Setting Sail

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Well, this is it you guys, poem number 100... This has been one hell of a journey!


The tide rises high in the horizon
The ship at last setting sail
In its voyage of rain and thunder
In its adventure towards land yonder

With shouts o'er loud crashes
It rose and dipped with valor
Braving harsh Nature beyond,
Rain or shine it'd be gone.

And the sun would beat down
The hard crew remain strong
Their calloused hand holding tight
To dock lines against currents grown.

And when land was seen beyond
Their heart swelled with pride
One hundred days marked
One hundred lines scratched.

Etched into paper
Burnt with ashes and charcoal.
Sealed with tears and blood
Yet nonetheless glad.

And far beyond the waves
Has the boat set sail
With a song, with a wail.
With a smile, with a hail.

(January 10th, 11th, March 13th, 14th '24)

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