The Ghost and the Oath

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Hello! For today, I bring you a short story I wrote a  while ago. I hope to transform this into a full story, but until then, I have only what will probably be the prologue:

Do you remember the day we met? We were--what--eight? Neighbors in a big town, thirsty for adventure. It wasn't until we were eighteen that we saw each other again, our dream become true. I had spent ten years of my life scooped up in Magic School. I was a body magician, a Necromancer, though many believed me to be a simple Healer. But you knew better. You saw me for who I was: a dreamer. And you added me to your team, and we lived our adventures, like those we invented when we were kids.

Oh, and what a success we were! Kings and nobles from all around the world acclaimed our daring. We even served the Great Emperor, once. And we fell in love. We had shared our lives and now we shared our hearts, too. And it was perfect. We were young, barely over twenty. We lived in a dream, and we shared this dream. We lived, we laughed, we loved. But we died, too. At least, I did. Do you remember that fatal day? Our last mission together? We were supposed to defeat an army. Just ten of us against a whole army of 300 soldiers. Looking back, it makes sense now. A trap. And well it worked! All of us died, all but one, all but you. I saved you, you know? With my last breath and blood I tried to save us, but I didn't have enough bones, didn't have enough energy. So instead I saved just you; I blew up my skeleton army and shrapnel pierced our enemies, killing them all. And I died in the explosion. But when my soul left my broken body I became your protector. Have you ever wondered how you survived when the rest of us didn't? How, even two years laters, a bruise has never appeared on your body? All these years it has been me, following you as you searched for my – our – killer, the mastermind behind the massacre, behind our murder.

I swore I would protect you, and protect you I have.

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