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Me and Taylor have been sitting infront of the TV for hours. She keeps waiting and waiting for any news about Ria and it pretty much annoys me. I guess it wasn't that good of an idea to unalive her, I should've just kept her and make her talk to us or something. Well, what's done is done and there's no going back now. It's been about 3 weeks since the murder but Taylor still can't get over her missing  bestfriend. 

I nudged her shoulder as I spoke. "How about we go out for a drink or something so you can cool down?" I suggested. I was laying on the couch with her on top of me. Her stomach was pressed to mine with her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around my body. She'd been staring at the TV long enough to get bored, she hasn't even stood up.

"The news are about to come up." She said, her voice quiet and sad. 

I let out a small scoff of annoyance. Everytime she came over these past 2 weeks she did nothing but sit infront of the TV. I can't even remember when we kissed last time. "Goddamn Taylor theres nothing new of Ria. She's fucking gone." I said in a annoyed and angry tone.

"And how would you know that? Maybe she just ran away or something, she can't be dead!" Her dissapointed tone echoed through the room creating tension between us. I breathed in a heavy breath taking my hands off of her and slapping them on my face. This whole thing makes me feel angry as fuck. I can't just tell her that I killed Ria, she'll hate me forever. 

"This whole thing is just stupid." I mumbled dropping my hands to the top of her head as I caressed her dirty blonde hair. I needed to stop getting so angry for stupid reasons or I can really end up without Taylor. She was my everything, I killed for her.

Just as I was about to speak again a big sign flew across the TV screen with the tittle breaking news. I sucked in a breath as all sort of scenarios went through my head. "Oh my god." Taylor got off of me and sat on the couch pulling her knees to her chest.

I watched her for a moment before looking back at the TV. The news reporter appeared on the screen with a pretty much worried exoression. "Some news have been reported about a missing person. Ria Nazl's body had been found S҉l҉i҉c҉e҉d҉ in a trash bag burried 2ft deep into the ground. The scientists are claiming she had been brutaly murdered a week before she went missing." I listened to the news whilst bitting the inside of my cheek. Dammit. I wasn't the one hiding the body. After I had killed her, I let my security take over the job and do whatever they'd like with the body as long as no one finds it. Guess they failed.

Taylor stared at the screen clearly trying to process everything that has happened. Her mouth was wide open creating a almost shocked expression, but her confused brows gave it away. She was in disbelief. "You okay?" I ask trying to be the great boyfriend I am yet I know I caused all of this.

She stayed quiet and just shut the TV. Without a word she put her hands over her mouth and leaned her back on the sofa. She kept staring at the black box clearly not believing that whatever is happening was true.

I cursed under my breath before sitting up beside her pulling her head to my chest. "It's gonna be okay." I said after she started sobbing. I fucked up, really bad. She's going to kill me if she finds out about this. I don't know how it ever crossed my mind to murder that hoe before getting some information out of her. I guess I was too angry to keep her there forever.

Tay shook her head as her cries got louder. "She was my bestfriend." She whimpered tugging at my chest. I hate this. Knowing I'm the cause of her being in this state makes me want to put a gun to my head.

I tightenned my grip around her kissing the top of her head. "You spent a few months without her and you were okay, you can keep it up.." I said quietly.

"How can you say that? She died, Tom! It's different knowing she's still here than knowing that she's dead." Taylor pushed her off of me, looking at me with her eyes full of tears and now anger. I can't stop thinking about how badly I fucked everything up. I dropped my hands to my lap looking at her. "As much as I could hate her I never wished death uppon her. We've been friends for 9 years, I can't just get over that so quickly!"

"There's 4 billion women out there that can be your new bestfriends-"

"I've known her ever since I was a kid!" She screamed at me. I stayed quiet and watched her. Her cheeks were glossy from the tears and her eyes almost red. It scares me a little. "She knew everything about me, we had memories. Now it's all.. gone." Another set of tears escaped her gorgeous brown eyes.

I looked away in shame. I shouldn't have done that. I should've at least asked Taylor about her opinion about it first yet I wanted to keep it all a secret. I'm such a stupid, stupid man. "I know, I'm sorry." My aphology was directed more towards me murdering her best friend, not the fact that I was being rude. Jail time.


Hey guys, hope you all liked this chapter! I'm sorry for making everything that's involved sith murder so brutal, I just like writting about violence😭 anyways y'all I'll maybe be going to the 2025 tour😊 I'm so happyyyyy!!! I hope you're all having an amazing day so far❤️

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