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I officialy had no friends in school. I mean, I wouldn't really say that I had no friends but my best friends were gone. Tristan doesn't talk to me anymore, he refuses to look at me, greet me or just aproach me. I'm pretty sure he even unfriended me on social media, I haven't checked. It's been a week or maybe even two since the first encounter and it's been killing me seeing him avoid me. Well, today I'm changing that. I'm gonna walk up to that man and ask him what the hell it's been going on in his head to litteraly leave me for no reason.

Sitting on the school bus quietly while patiently waiting to arrive to school I couldn't stop thinking about the way I will aproach him. Maybe if he'll be alone I could walk up to him? Maybe just drag him away from him friends? Maybe I could just kidnap him and tie him up in an empty room, it's the easiest way.

Dylan didn't have much friends anymore other than the jocks he was used to hang around with. Most people hate him for what he had done to me and are avoiding him ever since, especially girls. Right now, Dylan is in the back laughing with his friends about some stupid reason while I'm sitting in the front wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. Taking the bus today was a big mistake but my car is being resprayed so I couldn't possibly take it.

We got to school and I finally made my way out of the bus and inside the school. I just know this day will go horribly wrong.


I hate school lunch these past days. I don't eat it since I have no one to sit with and I don't want to look like a loser and sit alone. 

Everyone is in the cafeteria and just a few students are walking on the main halls of the school. I was walking towards my locker to get my books out of it when I noticed Tristan coming out of the men's toilet. I was shocked to see him since he always ate lunch in the cafeteria and never missed a day of it. 

"Tristan, I have to talk to you." I said in a louder tone walking up to him. He glances at me bitting the inside of his cheek before answering.

"I'm busy." Ha said walking the opposite direction but I grabbed his wrist. There was no way that he'll be running away like that.

"It's important." I said.

He sighed looking back at me. "We can talk another time."

"No, we can't." My eyebrows furrowed seeing how desprate he was to get away from me.

"Taylor, I don't have time."

"If you'll give me a minute and explain why the hell you're ignoring me then I'll leave you alone." I really wanted to know what all of this is about. Tristan is still refusing to tell me why his stupid ass is ignoring me, I have done nothing wrong.

He stayed quiet looking down at me. "Come with me." He said turning around and walking down the hall. I ran behind him trying to keep up with his fast peace but it didn't really help. He got to the janiators closet and opened the door. I was a bit confused, why was this so private? Tristan opened the door for me and I went in him following right behind me. He shut the door and locked it to make sure no one would come in.

I waited for him to start since I had nothing to do but be confused. He took a deep breath rubbing a hand down his face. "Taylor." He looked down at me bitting his lip. "He's 6 years older than you."

I raised my eyebrow. "Who?"

"Don't act stupid. Dating your fucking teacher is sick alright?" He said angrily. I'm fucked.

I stayed quiet trying to figure out how this dude found out. "Teacher? I don't have a relationship with any of the teachers here." I lied clearly acting dumb.

"Your stupid lies don't work on me. I overheard the conversation you and Mr. Kaulitz had in his classroom a few weeks ago. I swear to fucking god that I wanted to cry on spot. How the fuck did you even manage to hide that shit for so long?" He yelled at me while I kept quiet letting his words sink in. "The day me and you got drunk at your house. The dude that called you the next day, your secret 'boyfriend' that you had tittled 'love' on your phone, that was fucking Tom wasn't it?!"

I looked down at the floor. Yeah, I fucked up but I still didn't think this dude would be that mad about it. 

"I was so fucking stupid." He laughed a little slamming his palms on his face. "The rich presents you got, the car, rolex watch, ring.. I feel so fucking dumb."

"I was planning on telling you-" I say trying to lighten up the mood.

"Planning on telling me? Taylor, the only thing you were planning to do was having kids with the richest man in Germany!" He yelled at me. "Of course you always hung out with me when he was in Japan, you had no one else to go to! You only care about yourself. You only ever needed me when you had no one else to run to. I'm only good when you have no one else. You don't care how I feel about certain stuff, you don't care how anyone feels about certain stuff." He said in a sad tone not wanting to look at me. "I liked you, I really liked you. I loved you, Taylor. I don't really give a fuck if you're with the stupid teacher but realising that you've been using me all along stinks. I did everything I could to get you to like me too. I went through stuoid shit with you, I told you half of my secrets, I even got drunk with you even tho I had a fear of getting addicted since I was young. I just didn't want you to suffer being drunk alone. I hate looking at you knowing what you had made me feel all this time, it's killing me."

Those words hurt more than Tom heading to Japan. They cut through me like a knife and I got more and more hurt by it. He had liked me and I never even knew about it. It all made sense tho. He was always there for me when I needed him, even when we weren't that close of friends. When I was still with Dylan he would compliment my outfits and my looks. When I needed help with studies or when I needed someone to hang out with me, he was there. He never went away. I couldn't believe that he felt this way, it's killing me knowing that all of this time he felt used. As much as I wanted to keep myself away from the truth, there was no denying what he had said. I never even realised it tho. Now that these words are being spat at my face I couldn't help but get sad knowing that Tristan was the one yelling these words at me. I really do care about him so knowing that this was the way he felt all along makes me feel even more sad and miserable than before.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly still looking down at the floor in shame.

"Sorry can't fix a broken glass." He said his voice cracking. I looked up at him seeing a tear fall down his cheek while he stood looking at the cieling. I really fucked up.


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter! I don't really have time to post ANYTHING since I have a million subjects to study. On the bright side, I got an A in history which is a proud moment for me! Next chapter will be coming the next week since I have no school, yay!

Don't forget to vote and comment, love you all with all my heart!!

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Where stories live. Discover now