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I was in class teaching some random kids about music industry. None of them cared about it, I could see it since they kept talking and doing everything but listening. I didn't really care if they didn't listen to me, I wasn't the one that'll have to study when they'll have to take a test.

They were all happy when they saw me after they entered the class. A few students came up complaining about the teacher that was with them when I was gone and I couldn't help but laugh when the kids told me some stuff that the teacher did to them. Now I'm here teaching Tristan's class knowing that the next period Taylor will be walking in here looking as stunning as always. Tristan was a lucky guy for going to London, I've been there for business trips and stuff like that and I have to say that the city is amazing. Everyone should go to visit London at least once in their lifetime.


As predicted, Taylor walked in looking like a model wearing flare jeans and a 'That's hot!' shirt. I chose the shirt when we drove to her house so she could get ready. Is it weird to say that I threw the shirt at her when I saw her wearing a bra while looking in her closet? I let my thought's out in the most redicilous way and it was only a joke but it seemed like she took it seriously and actually wore the shirt.

I stood up from my chair and walked infront of the board greeting the class. "Hello everyone as you could already tell, I'm back from Japan. I'll have you for the rest of this year but for next year I'm not sure if I'll be staying or leaving." I say. It was the truth. I had a lot of work to do. School work, business work, Taylor.. A lot.

A student rose his hand. "How was in Japan?" He asked looking at me.

"Decent, not my favourite experience. It actually maybe was one of my least favourite expreiences.." I say answering the kid's question. He just nodded slowly as everyone in class started whispering to eachother but I just continued with the lesson.


I need to drop the fuck out of this school. I can't wait another 2 years to finish this school and finally dating Tom freely. I swear to god that at this moment he looks so fucking hot infront of the board. I seriously have daddy issues, not even a surprise. My dad isn't always home, I rarely see him. Me falling in love with older men is just another proof that I have the stupid issues. I'm spoiled, my dad showered me with gifts when I was younger since he wasn't always around. He tried to keep my busy and he kept thinking that if he bought me stupid toys and expensice gifts that'll make up for his absence. It doesn't work that way, dad. Now I'm stuck here, in a relationship with a 6 years older man. He looks young so people don't really notice that he's older or something, we mostly look as if we're the same age. 

I want to move to America where no soul knows me or Tom and stay there with him forever. He's too hot to be left behind. He's be the only non-famous person that has succesfully made it on my wall. I have to print a million prictures of this man and I swear to god that he has to get a seprate wall for all of the pictures. I'm obsessed with him. I think that him gone for that long has made me realise how much I actually love him. He's amazing. From head to toe this man is perfect and I swear to god that nothing can ruin my thoughts about him. 

I want to do so many stuff with him that I can't do unless we go to a different complitely city or country. When we were in Berlin everything was fine because Berlin is a big city. When we went to Zurich everything was great aswell because we were in a different country. Everything is okay when we're away from our city. 


Hey guys, I posted this chapter just to continue with something since the story will come to an end soon.. Not like after 3-5 chapters but yeah somewhere there. up to 8-10 chapters and the story will end. I'll maybe make a sequel but I ain't promising y'all shit.


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