Chapter 4: The Perks Of Quality Time

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Chapter 4: The Perks Of Quality Time

The Master Bedroom, The Talton Residence, The West Pasture, Keedon, Georgia.....(1992)

      The steady knocking of the thick wooden headboard that lined the wall of The Master bedroom had finally come to a stop as J.W. Talton and his wife's brand of quality time had come to an end. Drenched in sweat and out of breath, both of them shared a few more kisses before Wilma Jean took a few moments to compose herself, her long blonde locks wild and slick in the wake of their act. J.W. had nearly forgotten how passionate she could be when in bed and smirked as he kissed her lips and fiddled with a few strands of her hair as she took a moment to rest with her bare chest pressed against his. It was very rare for her to be naked when riding him following Witmore's birth, her constant fear of her son walking in on them mid-act had been amusing to exploit now and again.

J.W. took the time to bask in the sensation of her being so close to him, their hearts beating seemingly at the same rate as they caught their breath. She'd been all his since that night in the barn and he hadn't looked at another woman the same following their trip down the aisle and the subsequent birth of their only son.

Life had not always been perfect for the two of them, as more often than not they clashed over things such as money, time spent, and of all things certain influences for Whitmore. J.W. and Wilma Jean weren't so caught up in the typical stuff that caused disagreements like most couples and they had endured their fair share of trauma and heartache together following the stillbirth of their only daughter, Rita Mae Talton.

It took some time to get used to the loss and the fact that she'd never have a future of her own despite all of their best efforts to make her as comfortable as possible. Wilma Jean had been particularly devastated to the point that she had considered the fact that she didn't want any other children which conflicted with J.W.'s desire for a big family.

They clashed day and night following her rushed decision to go on birth control. J.W. had been more or less angry that she didn't discuss it with him beforehand and went ahead and got on them to prevent another pregnancy. As a result, he had taken off for the first time seeking a distraction from his anger with his wife for going behind his back.

The two of them had long since reconciled and eased back into life together upon his return, although J.W. had been trying his hand at getting her to reconsider her decision every chance he got. Wilma Jean had considered it a time or two, mostly due to Whitmore growing up so fast and the younger girls sniffing around J.W. and her knowledge of his desire for more children. The night she walked in on him being with some young brunette fiddling with her clothes in the barn, she had been afraid he'd seek out another woman to have the big family he always wanted.

J.W. had been an only child, adopted by Norma Jean and John Waylon Talton when he'd been five years old as a result of his former mother, who was discovered not to have been his biological mother, subjecting him to abuse and neglect. He was born and raised in the big city but had adjusted to family life in the country rather well, with the guidance of John Talton. His name had been Julian then, Julian Davers.

Once the Taltons adopted him, they legally changed his name to Julian Waylon Gene Talton, keeping his first name despite it being given to him by such a vile woman due to him being used to being called Julian as a child. As the years passed, he hated the name and was reminded of the woman who abused him so the family had taken to calling him "J.W. Jr." like his adopted father.

He didn't seem to mind being referred to as J.W. in his later years and it was how everyone aside from his mother, who often referred to him as Waylon Jr., addressed him, at least Wilma Jean had until he did something to make her angry which had been often in recent years and often on purpose.

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