XVII - Changes

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"You really think I would be getting married to- That!?" Carlos asked me referring to Ashley's weird invitation to her wedding.

"Just making sure, I guess" I answered.

  Ashley wanted me to go back to work as a videographer of her wedding. But- What wedding!? Carlos was just as confused as I was.

"Maybe she has finally found someone else to bother" he said.

  I ended up going back to work not only to find out more, but also to support Carlos during the British Grand Prix. My leg was still in pain, but still felt a lot better than before.

"Hayley! I have missed you so much! I hope you are feeling better. Next time be careful. You're not a Formula One driver, hun" Ashley said as soon as she saw me getting in the office.

"Hi Ashley. Thanks, I will be careful next time" I was being sarcastic.

"Glad you are back and feeling better. I really need you to make some content. Our social media pages aren't the same without you"

  I could only wonder why she was being so randomly nice to me. It must be because she desperately needed me for something. Or maybe because she is a fake b- Person.

"Hey, focus on the Mercedes boys today. We already have a lot of content from Ferrari" she blinked an eye at me.

Ashley wanted me to work away from Carlos. I bet she knew what was going on between me and him. Although it was a secret and we were trying to keep it low-profile, she always had her ways to know things. I did what she asked me to do and found someone on the way.

"Hayley!" someone calling my name made me stop walking and look back. "I haven't seen you in so long!" Lando approached me.

"Lando! I can definitely say the same! How are you!?" I said while hugging him.

"All good! When are we hanging out?"

"We have to do it at some point"

"For sure. What are you doing here? I thought your leg was broken or something?"

"Almost" I laughed. "Anyway, we can plan that later. I have to interview Russel before my boss freaks out"

"Of course. Good luck with that"

  It was really hard for me not to feel a little starstruck around Lewis Hamilton. He has always been one of the best F1 drivers around and I have massive respect for him.

  I started by interviewing George Russel. Our conversation and videos were nothing out of ordinary. We were focusing on the fact that the Mercedes boys were driving at their home circuit.

  Not that I wanted to, but I tried my best to stay away from Ferrari's garages. I did not want to get in any trouble or make things difficult for Carlos. Although I wanted to stay away from them, it was inevitable to pass by.

Ashley was obviously there trying to take photos, not of, but with Carlos. He was visibly pissed off and it made me laugh for a while. What else could I do? I do feel bad for him though.

  Then, completely out of nowhere, I was approached by a reporter.

"Excuse me, miss?" he said.

"Yes? Hi. Do you need any help?" I answered.

"I know this gonna sound strange but-"

  I knew he was about to ask something odd.

"I am a very observant man and I got privileged information-" he continued.

"Yes!?" I interrupted getting more and more stressed out after each word that came out of his mouth.

"Are you the person Sainz talked about on television? The one that hurt their leg? Someone told me you were and I couldn't stop but looking at the way you walk. Are you and Sainz any close to each other?"

"Clearly someone lied to you. As you can see, I am here working just like you. Who said that to you?"

"I did" Mark approached us.

"Mark! Ah! You are always so funny, aren't you!? Mark was joking around trying to prank me. Don't worry, it was all a joke" I told the other reporter making him leave me alone.

"You're smart"

"What the hell, Mark!? What was the point of doing that?"

"It was only to remind you that I still know a lot about you and have a lot of photos. You could still help me screwing Ashley up"

"I really don't care. I got no time for your stupid games. I wish I hadn't believed that you could actually be a great friend"


"Leave me alone. You could screw her up if you wanted to. You don't need me for that"

"It would've been a lot easier with you on my side" he tried to be persuasive.

  I took a quick glance at Ferrari's garages. Carlos was looking at us from afar. I did not want him to think I was friends with Marcus again, so I tried to leave him as fast as I could.

"Bye Mark"

"Is that your final decision?" he insisted.

"Yes. It is. Stop bothering me" I said before leaving him behind.

To make this race day better, although Carlos got P10, Lando got P2! I could not be happier for him and I knew Carlos was extremely happy too since they treat each other like brothers.

I used my free pass to go through the back of the garages where nobody should really be in, but Carlos asked me to meet him up there.

"Hey, girl" he said after kissing my forehead.

"Hey, how was the race for you?" I asked although I had watched it.

"I am disappointed, but I did what I could"

"I think you did great! You are always amazing and I am very proud of you" I said hugging him.

It was not long before Ashley began calling me. She wanted me to get to the office. I was about to find out what wedding she was planning on having.

"With Carlos, isn't that obvious?" she said answering my question regarding who she was getting married to.

"No way" I laughed.

"We are not really getting married. For now. But we are going to make an announcement and it has to be huge"

"You're crazy" I mumbled.

"Sorry? Couldn't hear you"

"It's nothing. Does he know you're both supposed to get married or- Something like that"



"I am giving you two weeks to think of a huge marketing campaign for this"

"I am sorry to ask... does your father know you're doing this? I am sure it can affect his name too since he pretty much owns this company"

"Do you know what your job is?"

"I guess so" I said confused.

"Then focus on it and stop making dumb questions"

I hate her.

"Congrats babe, I guess you're getting married!" I texted Carlos.

"One day, but not with that crazy woman. Things are about to change" he answered.

"What are you talking about?"

"I promised you things were gonna be different. They will. I will keep my promise. Starting today."

"What is starting today?"

Carlos left me with no other response. I had no idea of what was about to happen, but I knew for sure I did not want to plan a fake wedding for MY boyfriend and some crazy woman. I still could not believe I could say that.

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