XV - Fraction

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"Miss Scott? Can you hear us?" I heard the paramedic say as I slowly opened my eyes. "You will be okay"

I realised I was in an ambulance. My head kept spinning around in circles. It did not take long until I arrived at the closest hospital in town. It was a private one, so I knew I was in good hands. The bill was going to be huge too. They took me to a private room after asking me the most basic questions about myself.

"What is happening?" I asked a doctor.

"We just need to make sure everything is fine with you. You hurt your leg pretty badly. Fainting is not a good sign. We must take an X-Ray and see what is going on there" he answered.

"I am fine, I swear. I have to go"

"You're not going anywhere now. Stay calm and rest a little bit. It might take a couple of hours. You're in good hands, don't worry"

"Couple of hours!?"

"All we need is to confirm that your leg is only fractured and not broken. The medication we gave you in the ambulance should be enough for you to handle the pain. All the machines are in use and we need to see your reaction to the pain or if you faint once again. That's why this might take some time. Be patient"

"I literally am"

  The doctor left the room and I used that free time to make some calls. My parents lived in a different country, so there was nothing they could do to help me. I did not tell them I was in the hospital. I told my aunt Maria though.

I bet she was going to tell my mother anyway. At least I would not have to explain what happened to me. My mum never really liked cars and all this dream of mine.

  Aunt Maria and my cousin Nick quickly went to the hospital right away. It was not that far from home, so it did not take them long to get there. The doctors allowed them to visit me. After all, I was not in a really bad state, although the pain was severe.

I was mostly tired of being alone and bored over there than from having all the pain. The first thing I did was tell them what happened and how. The second was blaming it on everything but the sport itself.

"What made you think karts were a good idea, Hayley? You could have killed yourself out there" Aunt Maria stated.

"This accident had nothing to do with karting" I tried to defend myself making no sense to her.

"It has everything to do with it! I know you're an adult woman now, but you're still one of my responsibilities. I promised your parents nothing would ever happen to you"

"Nothing bad is going to happen to me. I promise this is nothing. Doctor said he doubts that my leg is broken. I managed to finish the race on a different kart"

"I admire your courage" Nick said trying not to show that he was laughing so my aunt would not get mad at him. "Does Sainz know?"

I was not even thinking about Carlos. Of course, Nick had no idea about the argument Carlos and I had few days before.

"Why would he know? We are just friends and he is very busy somewhere else in the world"

One of the side effects of those tablets was kicking off. I was extremely sleepy and about to fall asleep right there.

"Please, ma'am. Let her rest for a while. She needs energy" I heard the doctor's voice getting in the room before I shut down.

I woke up hours later with someone holding my hand. Nick was the best cousin and friend anyone could ever ask for.

"Miss Scott, I'm glad you are awake. We need to take the X-Ray of your leg" The doctor told me with a gentle smile. "First things first. Can you try to get up very slowly and tell me if you're able to walk?"

I did as he said. Walking was a struggle for me. I was able to walk, just not properly. I guess it meant my leg was not broken. Good for me. The doctor still put me on a wheelchair to help me get to the X-Ray room.

The X-Ray was quick. All I had to do was wait for the result. They told me I could go home since I would have to wait to collect the results later on. My leg was only fractured, not broken, but they still write down what really is wrong with my bone alongside the X-Ray. Nothing to worry about.

  The doctor prescribed some new medication. He was worried about me fainting, but it could have been due to the intense pain and anxiety. He told me to be careful and rest more than usual. How could I work and rest at the same time? Going from town to town...

  Suddenly it started hitting me hard. The thought that I was not good enough to travel again and do what I love. I could not give Ashley the best motive ever to fire me. I had to follow the doctor's advice very carefully if I needed to recover quickly.

  Speaking of Ashley... She called me right before I had to leave the hospital. All she wanted to know is if I was in the office working as usual. I had to tell her where I was. Moments later, I got another unsuspecting phone call.

"Hey" I answered the phone.

"Hayley? Are you okay?" Carlos asked me.

"I'm surprised to see you calling"

"I overheard Ashley's conversation"

  It was still hard to tell if their relationship was as fake as he told me it would be or if they were a real couple like they both assumed all over the internet.

"You're with her... again" I was disappointed, but not surprised.

"Hayley, I- Yes. I am. This is not important right now. Look, I am worried about you. I heard you're in the hospital. What happened? What can I do for you?" he stated.

"I went on a Go Karting race and almost broke my leg. That is pretty much what happened. Nothing to worry about"

"Dios mio![My God!] I can imagine the pain. I know the pain! But- You're a lot more fragile than I am. You need to be careful. I got so scared and worried about you"

"Why do you still care, Charlie?"

"'Cause... I- Care a lot about you. Our argument was ridiculous the other day. We should probably talk about that, by the way"

"Yes. Agreed. We will talk about that later on. If you don't mind, I am trying to leave the hospital. I am very tired and need to rest"

"Claro[Sure], I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Do you need me there? I would do anything to help you. I can get on a plane and-"

"Don't worry. I'm fine. Thank you"

"Race day tomorrow. I wish you were here to support me"

  Hearing those words gave me butterflies in my stomach. I miss him a lot and felt dumb for the way we argued. I did not think I had been fair to him. He said he could get on a plane just to be with me knowing damn well he had a race the next day. Would he really come?

  If only I could buy a random plane ticket to Austria and surprise him at the race... Oh yeah. I could barely walk. Good job, Hayley. Besides, Ashley would have killed me if she saw me there. Not that I care about her or what she thinks anyway, but I need to act a little dumb in order to keep my job.

I did not tell Mark what was going on with me. He ended up going to Austria and I could bet he was somehow taking photos of the newest couple Ashley and Carlos. She paid Mark the money that she owed him, so he was finally happy with her again. I would say that he liked money more than any friendship.

It did not take long until I got back home and fell asleep on the sofa. Nick woke me up hours later with some big news.

"Hayley!? I am so sorry. I know you're tired and in pain, but first you shouldn't be sleeping on the sofa, it's bad for you. And second, you're not gonna believe me"

I was in fact in a lot of pain every time I tried to move my leg.

"What is it, Nick? I was sleeping like an angel"

"This is important"

Nick grabbed the TV remote from the table and quickly started turning it on, trying to put something playing. I was grumpy and confused at first, but it was definitely worth it.

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