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Leah's response was laced with sarcasm. "If you mean your darling boyfriend that you love so dearly, then yes, Phil will be there," she confirmed, a note of teasing evident in her tone.

Maeve let out a heavy sigh, her frustration mounting as she leaned back against the taxi's seat, dreading the inevitable encounter with Phil.

They arrived at the restaurant, greeted by the sight of an elegant establishment that exuded sophistication and charm. The exterior boasted grand arches adorned with intricate carvings, while soft golden lights illuminated the pathway leading to the entrance. As they stepped inside, Maeve couldn't help but admire the tasteful décor—a blend of contemporary elegance and timeless grace.

The interior was bathed in warm, inviting hues, with plush velvet curtains framing expansive windows that offered glimpses of the city's twinkling lights. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow over the room, while polished mahogany tables were adorned with crisp white tablecloths and delicate floral centerpieces.

Maeve scanned the room, her gaze alighting upon their group gathered at a long table near the back. Mason spotted his twin and rose to his feet, enveloping her in a warm embrace.

"Congratulations," Maeve murmured sincerely, her pride evident in her voice.

"Thanks, Maeve. Mum rang me today, they're all coming over now for the next round," Mason shared, a hint of excitement in his tone.

Maeve's smile widened at the thought of seeing her family. "It'll be nice to see everyone, but I just know Mum is going to hound you," she chuckled, envisioning her mother's doting attention.

Mason nudged her playfully. "She asked if there was a communal kitchen in the hotel so she can cook me all my meals," he revealed with a laugh.

Maeve joined in his laughter, the sound ringing out joyfully as they made their way toward the table. "And she still tries to deny you're her favorite," she teased, relishing in the camaraderie of their banter.

The table where everyone was seated exuded elegance, adorned with fine linens and sparkling silverware. Each place setting had a handwritten card with the guests' names, adding a personalized touch to the refined atmosphere. Maeve scanned the table, her heart sinking as she spotted her name neatly inscribed on one of the cards. There was no avoiding it—she was meant to be there.

With a resigned sigh, Maeve took her seat beside Phil, feeling a mixture of discomfort and reluctance wash over her. Leah and John were seated on the other end of the mahogany table, engaged in conversation, while Sasha and Jack occupied the seats beside Maeve and Phil. Across from them sat Rebecca, her presence adding an additional layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere.

Phil turned to face Maeve, his smile soft but genuine. "Hi, Maevey," he greeted, his voice carrying a hint of sincerity. Maeve knew she couldn't start a scene here, not in front of everyone. Despite the turmoil raging within her, she forced a tight-lipped smile and averted her gaze, unwilling to engage in conversation with him or anyone.

Maeve absently toyed with the card bearing her name, her mind elsewhere as she tried to navigate the awkward conversation unfolding around her. "Are you enjoying it here?" Sasha's attempt to engage her in small talk was met with a nonchalant shrug from Maeve. "The weather's nice, that's about it." she replied, her tone devoid of enthusiasm.

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