Chapter 1: Southbound

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The afternoon sun shone brightly through the bus window, warming the glass within. Marion squinted as she ran her finger along the metal seal, watching the road pass by beneath her. She groaned audibly before turning in her seat to stretch. Anxious to be done with the long bus ride, she pulled her cell phone out to check the time. It was half past two. She groaned again, realizing it would still be a couple of hours before she reached her destination. With a yawn, Marion turned away from the window and closed her eyes. Maybe a nap would get her through the rest of the trip a little easier. She dawned a cap from the recesses of her backpack and leaned into the travel pillow, curling up in the uncomfortable seat. Despite the stiffness of the seat padding, it didn't take long for her to drift off.

* * *
Marion looked over at Anna from the passenger seat with a wide grin. Her friend made eye contact, and a broad smile broke out across her face. The two friends both laughed as Anna reached over to turn up the song already blaring on the car stereo. Anna turned her eyes back to the road, her golden blonde hair falling across the side of her face. The two girls began to sing along to the song playing as they turned the corner of the dirt road. Closing in on their destination, Marion giggled.

The excitement of what was to come reached fever pitch. She couldn't believe high school was behind them. The farewell bonfire should only be another five minutes or so down the road. Marion turned to look into the sky as her friend accelerated on the gas. Both girls screamed and then giggled in unison as the back end of Anna's 96' cobalt kicked up dirt from behind. Tonight, they would have one last party with their friends before heading south tomorrow to Louisiana. Marion turned to look at her friend, suddenly blinded.

* * *

Marion woke with a start, the brakes of the bus groaning as they came to a stop. Squinting hard, she rubbed her eyes and looked around to figure out what was going on. She looked out her window to see a platform covered by an old rusty awning. Realization dawned on her. She had finally arrived. Marion kept her eyes glued to the scenery on the other side of the dusty glass as she retrieved an elastic band from her wrist and began to pull her hair up off her neck into a ponytail. Damp strands of hair caught on her fingernails as she turned to watch the other passengers rising from their seats. Marion pulled the cap back over her head and slung her backpack across her shoulder as she stood, anxiety building as she waited for the crowd in front of her to disperse.

Soon enough, she was jumping off the last step onto the cement platform below. Everyone around her seemed to disappear as she focused in on her first view of the city. Marion breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. The smell of dirt and gritty asphalt. The sound of sirens and traffic. "Not exactly the magic I was hoping for," Marion stated quietly.
Seconds later, her nose scrunched up in disappointment. Letting out a sigh, she opened up her phone to set up an Uber ride. Looked like someone was close and she could be on her way to the hotel by 4:20 pm. A black Audi pulled up, and Marion gestured at the driver with a nod before slipping into the backseat. Although it was still May, the weather down south was already hot and sticky. Marion sighed in relief as her legs touched the cool leather interior of the car.

Marion soaked up the sights of New Orleans as her driver waded through the late afternoon traffic. Though only 10 miles away from the bus station, it would likely take twice as long to arrive at the Hotel Royal. The sights and sounds of the crowds grew denser as her driver swung right onto Royal Street. Marion held her breath in anticipation as she saw the hotel come into view, it's intricate iron railings gleaming in the sun. She thanked the driver and stepped out of the back door, a smile already settling into the corners of her mouth. Delicate greenery hung from baskets, lining the balcony floors above. Groups of people bustled about, and she inhaled deeply as the scent in creole seasonings wafted past her from a nearby restaurant. Marion leaned contently against the side of the hotel and closed her eyes, taking in the experience with her other senses.

Those striking blue eyes from her dreams slowly emerged from the depths of her mind, taking over her senses and drawing her in. Marion's skin tingled as goosebumps erupted on the back of her neck. She snapped out of it and suddenly felt disoriented. A chill crept up her spine, causing her to shiver in 80-degree heat.

What the hell was that?

Marion looked around her before deciding to brush it off and head through the dark double doors of the hotel. Cool air enveloped her as she stepped into the lobby, her shoes echoed on the marble floor beneath her. She brought her hand to the glossy wooden reception desk and plastered a smile across her face. After checking in, she slung her heavy duffle bag across her other shoulder and made her way slowly up the grand staircase to her room. Marion took in every last detail along the way. Intricately woven carpets and antique paintings sprawled out before her. She finally arrived at her room and busted through the door with more determination then she had intended. A quick scan of the bedroom, she observed a stylish and modern upgrade to the historic building, accented with antique furniture. Marion flung her bags to the floor and made quick strides to venture onto the balcony of her second floor room. Leaning on the iron railings, she sighed, letting her shoulders relax.

I finally made it, Anna.

Author's Notes

What do ya'll think so far, are we off to a good start? Can't wait to see how this story unfolds. Marion has no idea what awaits her in the Crescent City. She could just turn back around but that wouldn't make for a very good story now would it? Tell me what you guys think! All comments are welcome here. Feedback is 100% part of the process and it definitely helps drive me to keep creating. Enjoy!

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