Chapter Three: Veil of Darkness

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"Viceroy Gunray captured. Senator Padme Amidala has scored a victory against the Separatist alliance on the remote world of Rodia, securing the arrest of diabolical Confederate leader Nute Gunray. The Jedi Council has dispatched Master Luminara Unduli and Obiwan Kenobi's Padawan, (Y/n), to escort the Viceroy to Coruscant under heavy guard. Once there, he will face trial for his many war crimes."

Inside the Transport ship, Unduli and (Y/n) await clearance to board a ship with their cargo.

"Captain, have you made contact
with the cruiser?" Unduli gives cause.

"Yes, General. We'll patch you through now.

"Jedi Cruiser Tranquility, this is General Luminara Unduli requesting permission to land." She said

"You are cleared, General. We await your prisoner's arrival." The Captain gives clearance and the ship moves in near the cruiser.

"Thank you, Captain Argyus. I look forward to delivering him to you." Nute hears the clearance and attempts to weasel his way out.

"I am a man of great wealth, and I can be very generous to my allies." He says to a clone.

"That is a very tempting offer, Viceroy. In the meantime, I have a gift for you." The clone shows a nice shiny pair of handcuffs, Nute is cuffed and escorted out, (Y/n) stretches his arms.

"Finally. It's been a boring trip. Hope things pick up." (Y/n) says as he follows the Clones and Master Unduli

"This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice! I demand my litigator!" Nute attempted to fight this war with words but his victory was nay impossible.

"Keep moving."

The Jedi meet Captain Argyus, a blonde haired man as tall as the General.

"Greetings, General. We have the brig all ready for this traitor."

"Very good, Captain. Commander Gree, let's get underway."

"Right away, sir. Let's move!" They escorted Nute to his cell, as the Jedi converse.

"Hm...Senate commandos? This Nute guy doesn't seem all that threatening, especially if Senator Padme took him down." (Y/n) shook his head.

"Don't let your overconfidence give Gunray
another advantage, (Y/n). Even now, his allies may be conspiring against us." She said Which raises the eyebrow of the Padawan.

"Well don't worry master, I'll make sure this interrogation goes our way." (Y/n) gives his reassurance and they head into the room. Minutes go by as all seems oddly quiet for an interrogation, until the Captain approaches a Clone guarding the door.

"How goes the interrogation? Has the Viceroy cracked?"

"Not yet. Neimoidians are a slippery lot, but the Jedi will wear him down." He replies, inside Unduli and (Y/n) are playing opposites, Unduli being the more passive Jedi, while (Y/n) takes the more threatening and aggressive role. He leans against the wall, blaster hot and ready.

"Your thoughts betray you, Viceroy. I can sense your concern. The fear that you will lose the wealth and the power that the war has given you." The General keeps her eyes locked on his.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He replies

"You hide a great many things. The names of your secret allies. The locations of their bases."

"I am an innocent pawn in all of this!"

"If you're merely a pawn, then who are you protecting?" She eyes Nute.

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