Chapter Five: Love on a Thousand Moons; Part 1

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"Battle droids on Naboo! As the Separatist rebellion rages through the galaxy, even peaceful planets are threatened. Following the discovery of Separatist droids wandering the grassy wasteland, Naboo is once again on high alert. Fearing their home is facing another invasion, Senator Amidala and Representative Binks race to Naboo to assess the situation. Meanwhile, near the Gungan swamplands, an even graver threat is about to be discovered!"

C-3PO, Padme, and Jar Jar make way and reach Naboo, landing at the space docket for royal officers. Queen Neeyutnee and Gregar Typho await.

"We came as soon as we could, my Lady. Have you found any more droids?"

"Only the three. But you can be sure
they aren't tourists. I need you to convince the Senate or the Jedi Council or whoever is in charge of this terrible war that we are threatened."

"They'll need more proof. Finding a couple of battle droids will not be enough." Padme explains, and Captain Typho gets a communication.

"Captain Typho, the battle droid is ready for analysis." One soldier says, and all four of them make way to the command deck, overseeing a medical droid haul a Separatist droid onto a table

"Have you been able to retrieve any information?" Padme looks down at the droid

"Unfortunately, the Naboo security who discovered them prefer to shoot first and retrieve data later." The Queen said, looking over it, they completely Ignore Jar Jar, who wasn't being very helpful in the investigation as he caused a Bug around. Padme does noice mud in the tracks of the droid.

"If they were found in the grasslands, where'd they pick up all this mud?"

"Add that to our very long list of questions."
The medical droid begins to slice into the head of the separatist droid, disabling its vision and rendering it completely unaware of its surroundings.

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this.
With your permission, Senator Padme? I would like to shut down before I get sensory overload." C-3PO Asks.

"Permission denied."


"3PO, you may be able to get some information out of him." Padme explains, and the Droid reactivates.

"Cannot see. Where am I?" The Droid looks around in total darkness.

"You are in very good hands on board a Separatist ship. Count Dooku himself intends to reward you for your bravery."

"Bravery?" The droid responds.

"Yes, For your assignment on Naboo. Do try to activate what's left of your memory. We all want to hear your tale of medical heroics." 3PO Baits the droid into speaking as he lists off a concerning story.


"Yes, the virus?" 3PO said confused, but pesters more, "You do remember. Please continue."

"A small amount leaked out. Must contain. Naboo cannot know. Lab must remain secret."

"A secret lab on Naboo? Where? You must..."

"It is a secret. This is no Separatist ship." The droid realizes the ruse and Typho aims a blaster at its face.

"Unless you want to become a box of spare parts, you'll tell us where that lab is."

"The lab is secret."
Jar jar inconveniently pushes over a large shelf of parts of droids, crushing the Separatist droid and leaving them all in the dark.

"We'll never get any information out of him now." Typho sighs.

"Meesa sorry. It was an accident." Jar jar apologizes, and the bug drops from his shirt, Padme looks at it, obviously disgusted.

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