Chapter Two: A Malevolent Being

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A deadly weapon unleashed. The Separatist battleship Malevolence advances unopposed through Republic space, tearing apart any ship that stands in its path. After a rescue, Anakin Skywalker prepares a counterattack on the enemy ship with a new found padawan who seeks revenge against the sith, and its diabolical droid commander, General Grievous.

(Y/n) and Ashoka are walking down one of the pathways of the Jedi Warship, he gives her a few sideyes as he adjusts his new Padawan robes.

"What?" She said.

"Nothing, just weird you're a Padawan." He admits.

"And how is it weird?" She pouts.

"Just didn't expect Jedi to be so. Tiny." He admits, she didn't take that too kindly.

"Tiny?!" I am Not tiny. I'm just as ferocious as a Sith Lord." She said. "We're Padawans now, we each should show mutual respect. More to me since Ive been doing it longer." She said with a slightly better than thou attitude, (Y/n) folds his arms and smirks.

"Okay, uptight then maybe." He responds, she opens her mouth to yell but they've already reached the command room.

"This strike force has been commissioned by the Senate to hunt down the enemy's new battleship. As the bulk of our fleets are engaged on the front lines, we'll be on our own." The Admiral gives a short overview before handing the speech off to Anakin. He stands before the squad of Clones.

"General Skywalker has prepared our attack strategy."

"Thank you, Admiral. While our capital ships are vulnerable to the enemy's attack, I believe a squad of bombers can outmaneuver their ion weapon. Our target will be the bridge and General Grievous himself." Anakin explained, a plan to cut one of the heads of the Sith army itself was a dangerous one, but definitely worth the potential risk.

"The head clanker. Skywalker's getting pretty ambitious." One said.

"Our bombers will attack at high speed
to evade the enemy's ion weapon. We'll concentrate our firepower on the bridge superstructure,  We destroy General Grievous and the ship will fall with him. Any questions?" He said, and one clone stood up.

"Just tell us where that metal head is, sir."

"Yeah, we've been waiting for a chance
to take him out." Another one stood up to join him, all prepared to fight tooth and nail for the republic.

"All right, men, settle down. This is an important mission. We destroy Grievous, we can bring the war to a quicker end. Pilots, prepare your bombers." He gives the order and they follow suit, heading to prepare their ships. Master Plo approaches them.

"Skywalker, this is an aggressive plan. Are you sure your squadron can complete this mission?" He asks. Anakin grins slyly

"Let's ask them. Matchstick!" He asks, a clone turns to him.

"You think our boys can pull it off?" He said, the Soldier Salutes proudly.

"Yes, sir! There hasn't been a mission
Shadow Squadron couldn't complete."

"That's right. Minimal casualties,
maximum effectiveness. That's us." Another clone says.

"These guys seem confident! Can't wait to turn That General into some scrap metal." (Y/n) turns to Anakin in confidence. Anakin awkwardly laughs.

"About that..."

"About what?" (Y/n) asks.

"You won't be on the mission, you'll be running secondary with your new Master." He said, (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.

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