Pilot. 3

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“he’s my doctor!” says Cain.
He took Icarus inside knowing whatever was in the letter it may just sabotage their planned trip. And surely it did. And despite this disturbance, he went inside, calmly, to discuss.
“He says that I may have a chance. A chance to live. No one gets that Icarus. I just might be alright”
“No one gets that, huh?” Icarus repeats “YOU REALISE-“
“No, no you’re getting it all wrong” to which Icarus scoffs.
“His words are meaningless, vain, it feels like he doesn’t even want you to go”
Figs? That’s literally at the opposite side of the world!”
“we’ve travelled further??” Cain asks again  “And why are you being to irritated when its not something silly but my life!”
“Your very elongated history of being used by older men paired with Boletché’s very elongated history of being horrible, maybe?”  Icarus continuously yelled to keep up with Cain’s regular voice raised a bit.
“He’s not horrible-“
Icarus turns his back and walks a bit further. He does that so he doesn’t have to listen to whatever bullshit the other person was saying. And he turns back, hand on his hips, points, and says “Give me reasons why we should go”. Cain now sits back in his chair again. Why should we go? Hadn’t Cain asked it himself so many times? Why shouldn’t we? Cain never leaves hope. He’s an optimist. Why shouldn’t they go if only now that he has a chance? “You see I’m not supposed to have the disease”
“I know. I’ve known for so long that that’s the reason why I don’t worry about you. Its absolute bullshi-“
“But I still am infected and since I’m not supposed to have it maybe I just can be healed”
“There’s something, eh? I mean I literally have magic blood”
“And what he’s gonna do? Feed you your own blood?”
“the blood is injected?” Cain lost the habit of questioning Icarus' comments. Icarus is not that bright. “Not the point- he could do something. And they could study me. I’ll be some help to people” he cries “The only thing I know being back at East Coast is the first thing he’d feed me is a stake at my heart… or poison. Can be both”
Cain’s words weren’t baseless. The Vinogradovs does killing a lot. All knew about their vicious way of getting whatever they pleased. So did Icarus. And thus he didn’t question.
“You’ll be with me. I’ll be alright” says Cain.
“But it’s your father’s funeral,” Icarus says as the last chance to save their journey to the East Coast. Even though Icarus had already-
“Do you really think I care for it?”
-made his decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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