Perception Becomes Reality, part 11

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Oh, where do we begin? The rubble or our sins?
And the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we loved
Gray clouds all over the hills, bringing darkness from above
How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

In the far end of the parking lot for a largely unpopular strip mall on 7th Street, doctors Cassius and Malvagio commandeered the last table put out by Chuy’s. It was just after eleven, early for lunch, but the line to get lunch from this truck could rival the one to get on Space Mountain at Disneyland if you came by between noon and two. Michael had an unusually comfortable smile as he leaned back in his folding chair, seemingly happy even before their burritos were ready. Nick grinned, not quite a smirk, but maybe as close as one could get without quite getting there.

“Lately you’ve been the girl who cried a river and drowned the whole world…” Nick teased as Michael laughed and nodded. “I dunno what’s up, but life just seems less confusing and difficult lately.” Michael explained. “You’re welcome.” said Nick with a cocky smile before taking a bite of his burrito. Before his puzzled looking colleague could say anything, Nick leaned in, pretending to be more privately candid. “Fucked the shit out of her, didn’t you? She liked it, and you guys are going at it again… just like I told you. So yeah, you’re welcome.”

Nick’s unapologetic confidence flustered Michael a bit, but he was right. Somehow, he always was. “Okay, maybe yeah… you told me to be the best guy and partner I can be and I have really tried to take that to heart. Things seem less uncertain when we’re more intimate because we just feel closer.” Michael explained, almost relieved to be able to share some better news with his trusted friend. Nick nodded as he chewed another bite. “Ideally, right, I mean we all seek a deep level of commitment or spiritual intimacy, but you know how people are, we see what we want to. Just make sure it’s legit. I mean, having regular romps with a hot partner isn’t ever going to be a bad thing, just make sure that neither of you has gotten caught up in aesthetic or crisis intimacy. Are you guys just fucking a lot because that’s the embodiment of a powerful and healthy love, or because that’s the one good thing left?”

Nobody could break apart a relationship like Dr. Malvagio, and that appealed to patients who needed some introductions to the truth. Among friends and those who trusted his advice, it was often eye opening, but helpful. Of course, the doctor always had reasons for everything he told anyone. There was no such thing as innocent conversation. As Michael digested what he had just heard, Nick took out his phone and texted a mutual acquaintance who never liked Doctor Cassius and enjoyed the idea of messing with him. “I would try to run into B, I think she usually jogs around Jefferson Square park in the afternoons. Remember, attention, but no action. Touch her and I’ll break your legs myself.” was the message, which came through loud and clear..

Actual indiscretions were messy. People responded in unpredictable ways, which meant control was tougher to maintain. There were always lines not to be crossed and Nick made sure they never were. Of course, their mutual acquaintance was just as easily manipulated as Michael, the idea floated out that he could become the hero when things ultimately fell apart for the doctor and Biance. Nick might have forgotten the detail that he never planned on actually letting that happen. Michael was so much easier to manipulate when there were controllable pieces, and a significant relationship change would mean a whole new landscape to be allowed to unfold before knowing how to capture it. Malvagio spent a great deal of time and energy seeing that everything he wanted to happen came to fruition, and there was no desire to surrender to the unknown and increase those amounts of time and energy.

Bianca actually served as the perfect vehicle for Nick’s psychological warfare against Michael. She was lovely, but not in the sort of way that stands out obviously. She has a very approachable, girl next door appeal that was attractive without being intimidating. It would always be easy for Nick to find men he could subversively convince to flirt with her, even without them ever realizing he was doing it. Though at times, a multi-pronged attack was called for, and this seemed like just the opportunity. This would require some carefully calculated words on the part of the trusted ally to really reel in Michael.

“Hey. don’t get me wrong, I’m super happy for you guys, and always want things to work. You know I am rooting for you guys, I just want to make sure that behind the happiness and smiles are genuine, healthy, strong emotions and bonds, you know? I don’t want you to doubt yourself, I want you to be confident in knowing that you looked at things from all angles.” Nick explained compassionately, perpetually determined to endear himself to his colleague. “No, I understand, and we have both seen the aftermath of enough unhealthy and toxic relationships to know how badly things can turn out when you’re not doing them right. This is why I talk to you about this stuff, you’re not going to blow smoke up my ass to make me feel better, and I appreciate that.” Michael added as he extended a hand and reached across the table for an emphatic handshake.

“I know you’ve had some insecurities and concerns, she’s lovely, and guys will always pay attention to B, but you know she’s committed. She’s not gonna stray, especially when she is reminded she can get the good loving from you…” Nick explained with a wide smile. “If anything, it’s the other team to watch out for. Emelie once joked about leaving me for Bianca, but we both give each other shit, so doesn’t actually mean anything…” His words tailed off as he chuckled a bit, an innocent enough joke in passing, or another piece of foundation removed from beneath Michael’s emotional house?

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