Perception Becomes Reality, part 20

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Bianca was curled up against Michael on the couch before bed, working up the courage to open up to him about her desire. Michael had been distracted and absent minded, finding himself increasingly having thoughts about Mona. He was never one to entertain a possibility of infidelity, he simply wouldn’t ever allow it. What was forbidden of the flesh could be allowed in the imagination, of course, though he would never speak as much to anyone, never allowing the thoughts to exist if kept locked away inside. “Mmmmikey…” Bianca began to purr against him as she pressed closer. “Everything has been so stressful for you, I wanted to do something special, help take your mind off work…” Michael was newly curious as he finally listened to her speaking. “What if… we had another woman with us… maybe… Emelie?” she cooed, but immediately raised the concerns of Michael who couldn’t imagine that she would be okay with that, or that Nick wouldn’t feed him his teeth if he found out.

Shaking his head, Michael emphatically declined the offer, focusing less on the possibility and more on Emelie specifically. “I really wouldn’t be okay with that, Bee.” he said with an almost nervous tone to his voice. Bianca ran her finger down his clothed chest, looking up with what could only be imagined as the aroused version of puppy dog eyes. “There’s nobody you might want to try with? To watch me touching….?” This time it was Bianca who grew a bit nervous, having never so much as kissed a woman. Suggestion was a powerful thing, and once the idea had made its way unintentionally into the nether regions of her psyche, Bianca kept noticing attractive women and finding herself unexpectedly excited, which was mostly the fault of her vivid imagination. While her focus began on another woman, the thought of spicing up their fairly pedestrian sex life intrigued Bianca, who took her offer a step further.

“If there’s someone you found hot, I am open… you could probably even share me with another guy if you wanted.” Her words came out a bit sheepish, memories of the holiday party and the foreign cocks in her mouth nearly as exciting as the prospect of a female lover. Michael just sat back, melting backward into the couch, his shoulders barely rising as he shrugged, somewhere between terrified and indifferent. “You wanna fuck Nick…” he said without looking at her, and his words were met with a stunned silence. Bianca might never admit to fantasizing about being with Nick and Emelie together, but the way Michael spoke about his colleague almost felt insulting. “I don’t wanna fuck Nick… and not sure I wanna fuck you, either.” he retorted angrily, storming off the the bedroom to sequester herself for the rest of the night.

Nick upheld his pristine reputation by ensuring that his prints were never anywhere on the things he orchestrated. Awful things might happen, and entirely his doing, but Nick was never suspected. Dr. Malvagio was an expert at subterfuge and always seemed to rise from the ashes of the chaos he created as a hero for helping shepherd everyone else through. Well, those he wanted to get through, anyway. His charm and personability rubbed off on everyone and Nick always kept tabs on the people he knew, cultivating even the most benign and seemingly useless connections because you just never knew when someone might become useful. While Emelie took a warm, relaxing shower, Nick was on his burner texting a contact who was definitely not someone who operated above board. In the underworld code he had picked up from old friends of his father’s, complaining about the local mobsters who tried to run the docks, Nick reached out to a contact who could procure weapons, untraceable and squeaky clean. 

If Michael fucked Emelie he was going to end up left in a ditch with two bullet holes in his head and he manhood severed and left in his mouth.

Sauntering out in her robe, Emelie plopped herself down in the lap of her loving husband with a smile. He had wrapped up his business and seemed as usual as ever, complaining to himself as he watched highlights of the Sixers losing once again. “So…. I think Bee might have a little crush on you.” she purred, eventually ending up in a playful giggle, which caught Nick off guard. The incredulous expression on his face only made her laugh more. “She seems to really want a threesome and you know Michael, he’s kinda insecure, isn’t he? He wouldn’t do well with that… so… I think she wants to do it with us.” Emelie almost beamed, proud to have both the better man and the affection of her dear friend. Nick smirked a little, though he was trying to work through the surprise of the suggestion as it swirled with an increasing anger. Why would she even bring up threesomes, especially anything that involved Michael unless she had, or wanted to take part in one with him? 

There was never a moment that saw Nick lose his cool, until now. Yet he had to bury every bit of that inside and try to engage in this conversation to see if he could root out either a confession or enough information to figure out what was actually going on. “Sounds like she’s trying to recruit you.” Nick suggested, which made Emelie laugh out loud. “Oh god, baby, I wouldn’t want to sleep with Michael if we were the last remaining humans and the species depended on it.” she added without hesitation. Emelie was honest through and through, Nick found out twice about her attempts at a surprise party, and not because he didn’t like surprises, she was just abysmal at being dishonest, even for something as harmless as a birthday party. If she already had, or intended to sleep with Michael, it would have been evident, at least to someone who knew how to read his wife as well as Nick.

He didn’t say anything, only offered a smile at her comment. Nick was sure the coast was clear, but he became aware of the danger in using his beautiful wife as a pawn, and was going to have to rethink a bit of his strategy going forward. Along with needing to see that he kept Emelie out of potential trouble, the strategy further evolved as Nick thought about what she told him fresh from the shower. “You know, you talked about her crush on me, but I think maybe you have one on Bianca. You wanna fuck her, don’t you?” Nick teased, but half seriously. Emelie squealed into his chest as she buried her embarrassed face, not able to manage words, but a subtle nod of her head. “Hard to imagine Michael being okay with her fooling around… I think that whole incident at the party really messed with his head…” Before he could continue Em interrupted. “Michael just looked so awkward and nervous, but I think Bee really liked it. She’s not been with a lot of guys and not done a lot, and so that whole thing was so far out of her comfort zone that I think it ended up really exciting her.”

“Kinda makes me worried…” Emelie began as she sat upright once again, her eyes locking with her husband’s. “Michael’s pretty boring, it sounds like, and if she wants more, I think she may go find it elsewhere….” Em sighed and looked down as she continued to talk. “She loves him, she really does, she wants to spend forever with him… but she just has this need that seems to get worse, and I feel icky sometimes because I talk about our lovelife, and it’s SO good, and I am probably to blame…” Nick pulled her in to interrupt her with a kiss. “Hey, Emmy, baby, nuh-uh, none of that. You don’t have mind control powers… wait, do you?” he asked with an absurdly serious face, which made her giggle into the hand covering her mouth. “No, of course not… so, it can’t be your fault. You’ve been an amazing friend who has helped her see what’s possible.”

Nick moved his hands to frame Emelie’s face as he smiled lovingly as the woman he both loved so deeply and controlled so expertly. “You only get one dick, and you’re sitting on it… but… as long as it’s just you two, if you and Bianca want to experiment a little, you have my blessing.” Emelie was surprised but excited and wrapped her arms tightly around her husband. Nick just smiled, knowing the shift in strategy meant that this would just be the first step. He was going to fuck Bianca, and see to it that it brought down the castle Michael had so flimsily built around the two of them.

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