Perception Becomes Reality, part 17

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“Dr. Cassius, it is the unanimous decision of the Board that you be returned to the position of Staff Psychiatrist, effective immediately. You will resume your role in attending to patients and are relieved of all leadership and managerial duties. As it stands, there will not be an immediate replacement. The Board will oversee and manage the daily operations of the Center and we will assign a team of physicians to an advisory committee that will help us maintain our focus in alignment with the Center’s mission. We remain deeply indebted to you for your relentless hard work and our patients will benefit more from having you among our attending staff than stuck behind a desk making administrative decisions.” explained Elizabeth Lomax, Assistant Director of the Behavioral and Mental Health Center. She was flanked at the conference table by Center legal chief Michael Bowman, and Jennifer Cameron, Administrative Coordinator. Michael didn’t have anything to say, just nodding understandingly before walking out to go retrieve his things from the Director’s office to return to his old office among the other medical professionals. 

Nick met him in the Director’s office, not saying a word, just walking up to give Michael a bearhug. There was little doubt that some sort of punishment awaited Dr. Cassius, but Nick had gotten early word of what was in store and wanted to make sure his colleague was going to be okay. “You didn’t get into this work to be a paper pusher, Mikey. What does being Director do, give you a reason to jerk off reading your resume? Come on, they’re gonna come for Dr. Kim, too, so we’ll see what happens, but hey, you’re where you belong, okay?” What was really a backhanded compliment (you should be a doctor because you clearly aren’t cut out for leadership) actually managed to strike a chord with Michael who began feeling less defeated, at least for now. “Bianca saw that douchebag messing with you, she’ll understand. She’s crazy about you, right? Let’s all have dinner this weekend, leave the bullshit in the past and focus on charging ahead and making a difference the way we were meant to.” Nick insisted, getting a more positive nod from Michael, a contrast to the defeated nod of resignation that came in the boardroom. 

Nick intentionally didn’t keep Bianca’s number, but didn’t need to with her and Emelie becoming such good friends. He made sure to text his wife with a simple, and seemingly innocuous, but strategically thought out message of “hey beautiful, I hope your day has been amazing. As expected it’s been rough for Mikey. He’ll be fine, but could use some encouragement, so let B know that he didn’t get canned or anything, they’ll be fine, but he needs some love and compassion. I still love you the most though, so he’ll never be blessed with what I have.” Each word was carefully chosen to sound spur of the moment, and Dr. Malvagio knew Emelie would smile and blush as she read the message and then immediately message Bianca. Em was a darling and the kindest soul ever, but she worried for those she loved, predictably too much, so she would surely worry Bianca without intending to. Bianca, of course, would then try to keep herself together while trying to be there to support Michael, both secretly withering from within with the worry of uncertainty. 

Only moments after sending the message, Dr. Lomax stopped by to talk to Nick. She explained the situation and the plan for an advisory committee and expressed her heartfelt desire that he take a role on the team to help the Center lead itself forward. The move would finally elevate him over Michael, but only in perception. While Nick quite enjoyed playing with people’s perceptions, he also had a longer term play simmering in the depths of his strategic mind, and respectfully declined. “I honestly hope that everyone here knows I’m a devoted team player, because the work we do is so important and we all have to be there for one another. I’m flattered that you thought of me, but the truth is, I really feel like I can be more valuable serving my patients, and really, keeping my focus entirely in the trenches. Dr. Cassius is a great doctor, but also an emotional guy and he can get in his own head at times. Without the extra responsibility of this committee, I like to think I can be more helpful to him, which ultimately helps all of us, you know?” It was rare that anyone didn’t give Lomax exactly what she wanted, but she smiled and gave a respectful nod to Dr. Malvagio as he did just that. “This is why literally everyone here loves you, Doc. You even know the custodial staff by name, and trust me, it goes a long way. We wouldn’t make it without you, but I respect your decision.” Nick leaned back in his chair, turning on his speaker and using his phone to play a bit of Jay-Z as he reveled in his expanding ownership of everyone at the Center. 

“Life’s a game but it’s not fair. I break the rules, so I don’t care. I keep doing my own thing, walking tall against the rain. Victory’s within the mile. Almost there, don’t give up now. Only thing that’s on my mind is who’s gonna run this town tonight.” 

Later that afternoon the usual gossip around the coffee maker in the break room had several of the assistants and doctors all raving about Nick and how impressed they were that he didn’t sneak in to take over the fallen Dr. Cassius’ leadership position. “I don’t know why it’s surprising, he’s like the ultimate team player. If I ever had any issues the only person here I would go to is Nick. I don’t trust any of you assholes.” came a whispered tease from Dr. Larson, who got the intended laugh from her colleagues. “You also want him to be the office Santa so you can sit in his lap and tell him what you want…” Dr. Azad chimed in with a smirk. Dr. Larson just smirked and raised an eyebrow to her colleague before replying that “ironic coming from you, who wants the same.” The group shared a laugh and Dr. Azad gave her a high five for the snap. 

Nick had been outside listening, pausing just a moment after the laughter began before walking into the room. As he did, both Larson and Azad seemed to blush slightly as Nick managed to feign innocence as he went to refill his coffee cup. “Why do I feel like you’re all up to no good in here?” Before anyone could say anything he set his cup down and raised both hands. “Wait, no, don’t answer. You’re all planning some Oceans Eleven kinda shit and I don’t want to end up implicated because I knew about it. Plausible deniability, let me just get my coffee and get out.” he teased, filling his mug and moving as if trying to make a hasty getaway, but careful not to spill his coffee. As he left the group all stared at one another, exchanging glances before erupting into a chorus of laughter. 

“Look what you made me do, look what I made for you…” Nick let himself flow along with the song playing in the background as he returned to his office. “When you first come in the game they try to play you. You drop a couple hits, look how they wave to you.” He took a sip of his coffee, reveling in both his fanclub and the first act of Cassius’ downfall. “When I come back like Jordan, wearing the 4-5, it ain’t to play games with you. It’s to aim at you, probably maim you. If I owe you, I’m blowing you to smithereens. Cocksucker, take one for your team, and I need you to remember one thing. I came, I saw, I conquered.” Before he could continue the phone on the desk lit up, a call from Emelie on the way in. “The love of my life! What’s up babe?” Without needing to see her Nick could already visualize the almost blushing smile as she listened to him. “Just talked to Bianca. She’s really worried about Michael, but she thought it was a good idea to get together, so we can all have dinner tomorrow.” Nick nodded, not that anyone could see it, but that was for the best, his expression and body language clearly arrogantly pleased. “She knows Mikey best, have her pick a place and I’ll get us reservations. She’s lucky to have you. We all are, you’re too good for this world.. But I need to get back to the grind, I love you so much, can’t wait to get home and see you.”

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