Perception Becomes Reality, part 18

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Twyla Tharp knows how important expert choreography is to the execution of a successful production. Dr. Malvagio agrees. Having intentionally scheduled a morning without patients, the doctor makes the rounds to reach out to the rest of the staff to avoid the communal break room until lunch without explaining that Dr. Kim was about to be let go, or that he was trying to ensure a final meeting between doctors Kim and Cassius free of variables before the former’s departure. When Dr. Kim was called in to meet with the same group Dr. Cassius had just the day before, Nick went to grab Michael and have him join him for a cup of coffee. Michael seemed to be handling the change decently, but his body language reeked of defeat. 

While Nick typically drank his coffee black, he noticed they happened to be out of creamer, which Michael always took in his coffee. “Hey, hang tight, I got some in my fridge…” Nick said, rushing out of the room, seemingly a good friend intent on seeing his partner got what he needed. In the hallway a dejected Dr. Kim walked out, his body language not at all different from Michael’s. “Hey, bad shit, but not the end, you need recommendations, anything, you let me know, okay?” Nick spoke sincerely to the dejected and newly unemployed doctor who actually appreciated the gesture. “Hey, Mikey’s in getting coffee… I know you guys aren’t Sonny Corleone and Emilio Barzini, I think it would mean a lot to make peace, you know?” Nick was convincing enough that Dr. Kim just nodded and walked past him and into the room. 

Expecting to see Nick, Michael was visibly taken aback to see Dr. Kim walk in instead. “So they let me go… and I couldn’t say much to argue. Neither of us betrayed our clients or professional responsibility, but that doesn’t help either of us now.” Kim said as he stepped forward and reached out a hand to his former colleague. Michael just nods and reaches out to shake his hand just as Nick walks back in. “We’re all fighting the good fight, and while we may not be members of the same staff, we’re all still on the same team.” Nick’s words inspire Dr. Kim to give him a hug before leaving quickly to gather his things and get out. “Hell of a thing… I hope he can bounce back.” Nick thought out loud, letting out a soft sigh, which immediately made Michael feel responsible. The last 24 hours he had been throwing a pity party for himself when he actually came out of this better than Dr. Kim. The accomplished choreographer once again had everyone just in the position for which they were destined. 

Michael kept to himself the rest of the day, never leaving his office, even to meet their newest junior resident, Mona Olsen, daughter of the late center head. It was only when Nick came by to force him to come along that he relented. As she was being shown around by Director Lomax, Nick pulled Michael along, who only found himself more reluctant to meet the young Dr. Olsen, knowing he had let down his mentor who hand picked Dr. Cassius to lead the Center. “Dr. Olsen, welcome aboard… man, it feels good to say Doctor Olsen again. I assure you, as much as we all adored your father, you don’t have his shadow hanging over you. We’re a really solid team and all appreciate and respect one another.” Nick said with his usual smile before introducing Michael. Mona grinned as they shook hands, letting her new colleague know that her father had always spoken so highly of him, which visibly seemed to lift Michael’s spirits a bit. 

“Alright, duty calls, I’ll let you two chat… happy hour Friday, Miguelito will be joining us, he just doesn’t know it yet, but you’re definitely welcome. You can see that band of misfits you’re not stuck being a part of!” Nick said with a lighthearted laugh as Michael just shook his head, smiling, but only to hide his dislike of the nickname. Nick referred to his colleague as many things, most were flattering enough to build his confidence when needed, but Miguelito was one he saved for strategic moments, playing it off as a cute way of tweaking his name, but intentionally referring to Dr. Cassius as “little Michael.” 

Emelie had already reached out to Bianca to have dinner together at the Malvagio’s place while the boys were out with the staff, Nick making sure of that much, making it far more difficult for Michael to bow out if he was already expected to go. When the week’s end arrived, Michael had been slowly regaining some of his confidence, inspired and encouraged by the whole team, who Nick had privately called upon to help their colleague rebuild himself. The foundation was shaky, just as any doomed structure would be, but atop it would be built up something that appeared sturdy and strong. Michael’s confidence needed a boost away from work as well, and Nick saw the excitement’s the young Dr. Olsen’s expression when he introduced them, and some careful cultivation would see the two grow close. 

The nine members of the staff took up 3 tables at their regular bar, as typical, and it worked out because it allowed for some focused conversation and also some intermingling of groups. Any office would have its cliques, but the Center’s work groups were never competitive or antagonistic of one another. While everyone was enthusiastic to get to know Mona, Nick played traffic cop a bit, pulling others into unrelated conversations to see that those who he wanted to spend the most time with the junior Dr. Olsen got to, the others all equally enthusiastic to spend time with the Center’s pied piper. Nick never had to try to steer attention because everyone always enjoyed his company and so he would make it seem as if trying to keep in touch with everyone as he grabbed one, or a couple, of the staffers to come talk or fetch a fresh round of drinks, leaving those he needed to bond with Mona to be able to do so. 

Another two weeks went by, and Nick saw to it that he had patients when Michael was free for lunch, which happened to be the same time Dr. Olsen took her lunch, many of which were spent with Michael. They talked about patients, worked through difficult cases, and she began to grow enamored with Dr. Cassius the same way her father had. Which, of course, was entirely platonic. Michael, however, had begun to enjoy the attractive young doctor’s company more than perhaps he should. Nick managed to feign surprise as Michael stopped by his office that Friday night to talk after everyone else left to head to happy hour. Michael was never going to cheat on Bianca, he loved her madly, but he couldn’t help but find himself occasionally letting his mind wander to imaginary vignettes of sexual escapades with Mona. He needed to talk about it and Nick was the only one he could trust. 

Leaning forward onto his desk, listening intently, Nick nodded as Michael explained it all, including several reminders that nothing was going to happen, nor would he ever act on his impulses. “Hey, she’s really pretty, so it’s not like you’re fantasizing about a troll…” Nick teased, getting a reserved laugh out of his friend. “You impress people, shit, man, I was afraid Olsen would leave his wife and run away with you… she heard all that, so she’s been around a lot because the old man put it in her head that you’re the GOAT. So she’s got some starstruck awe going on, which has some of the same energy as attraction.. So your mental response is natural, you’re dealing with the environmental shit going down around you, you know?” Michael listened and just nodded, feeling better when Nick put it all into more clinical terms. “Hey, I adore Bianca, she’s a doll, but you know, if you and Mona needed to… do what you gotta do, I’m never gonna rat you out. Right? I mean the guilt can fuck a person up, and that you’d be on your own with, but I’m not rolling over on you if you gotta go that route.” 

Oddly, Michael felt almost relieved. He still had absolutely no intention of trying to fool around with Mona, but Nick’s putting it all out there made him feel less anxious about the possibility. “You’re always the one, man, I don’t know how you always have all the fucking answers, I hate you, you’re the one human who would be able to undo all the evil AI in the dystopian science fiction movies.” Michael teased, but only half joking. “Come one, you wanna roll over together?” Nick shook his head and stood to gather up his things. “Not feeling great, so gonna head home and sit this one out. Just gonna hide out in bed while the ladies gossip.” he chuckled, knowing that neither Emelie or Bianca were the sort to even do it. Michael just reached out a hand to shake and gave a silent nod before heading out. He had no idea what the night might bring with Mona, but Nick was more sure of what his night with their wives would bring, and he was eager to get that ball rolling.

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