First Day of highschool...

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Maxy pov:

I woke up with pain in my arms and legs....I shook it off, it was gonna be my first day of highschool.... another few years of hell, it's just gonna repeat, the stares , the whisper, everything, it was nothing new except for the age and grade....I got up and started to take a shower, removing my clothes , I stepped in, getting the dirt out of my fur, washing my thighs and arms, getting the blood out, i stepped out of the shower, finished, i dried my fur and wrapped my arms and a bit of my thighs, i put on a long sleeve sweater and put on some shorts that covers my thighs, put my bag on and shoes, took my 'lunch box' and left the house with my phone and keys......


I arrived at the happy going school, I hated it, not the school but because I looked out of clothes and my look, the only thing that looked right on me was my was bright light colored......I was confused because I didn't know were to go first until I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see what looks like to be a 10 year old fox....he was looking down at a few papers and talking....

Tail's: hello there, I'm Miles also known as tail's, and you are?-

He looked at me and all his color drained out his face....I tilted my head and spoke.....I have a sweet voice and a quiet One to....

Maxy: uhh, hello tail' name is Maxy... but you can call me Max.... are you the one to give my schedule?....

Tails: uhhh- y-ya! I'm am! Hehe.... umm, it will have you're schedule and locker place and homeroom! B-bye!

And he ziped off after giving me my schedule, I looked at my paper and went to my locker, it was a pretty spaced out locker, I put my stuff away and went to my homeroom.

I was introduced to a teacher named Ms Mary, she was a bunny, she welcomed me to the others there , I said hi and went to my seat , the students talked with their friends until the bell rings....

(Time skip to lunch)

I sat down all by myself, I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just ate the school lunch, my 'lunch box' didn't really have lunch, it had stuff in it for making phone chains , key ones or one for accessories, I didn't really care, I spotted a blue hedgehog and some others going to a table, the only reason I noticed because everyone was crowding The table, I guess they are popular.....i was ignoring everyone until someone sat next to me, it was a red dog, i didn't know she wanted to be next to me.

Alex: hi! Names Alex...who are you?

Maxy: uhhh-...maxy... nice to meet you...

Alex: hehe! Don't be shy! Hey.... don't you want to meet my other friends?....

Maxy: sure? But wait....

Alex: mh?

Maxy: why aren't you scared of me? My eyes?....

Alex: you're eyes? Why would I be scared of that? look beautiful.... even with the little red things! But come on!

I was surprised, she was the first one to say they were beautiful..... well, except for my mother, but I followed her to the other table that had a wolf and a bat? Alex signed me to sit next to her, I did, she introduced me to them.

Alex: the cat bat is jan!

Jan: hello!

Alex: and the wolf is Jessica!

Jessica: hello....

Maxy: I've never met a cat bat before but it is nice to meet all of you!

Jan: wow! You're eyes! Looks beautiful!

Maxy: wow...t-thank you....

Jan: you're welcome!

Jessica: has a cool yet cute look...

Maxy: thanks guys....

Alex: you're welcome! I noticed you were I brought you here!

Maxy: thanks....

Alex: oh! And don't you want to become a friend in our group?...

Maxy: really!? Oh! I've never had friends....

Alex: never had any?....

Maxy: no.... because they will always bully me because of my eyes....

Jan: poor baby.... don't worry! We will be the bestest friends!

Maxy: thanks....

Alex: you're welcome!

My first ever friend group! I was happy! I wanted to cry! But I held it in until home.... lunch was amazing, nobody was paying attention to us! They were so focused on the blue hedgehog that I now know is named sonic!

Maxy: so.... what is the blue famous hedgehog?...

Alex: his name is sonic, he saved the world so many times! You've never heard?..

Maxy:  a little bit, I thought he never went to high school because of it....

Jan: oh wow....hey! Since it's Friday! Want to come over with us to our tree house? Meet me at my house!

Maxy: sure! I'd love to!

Jan: great!

We spent the rest of lunch talking and waited until our classes ended, I immediately ran home and changed, packing some stuff, I met up with jan, Jessica and Alex, they went straight into the woods and we were met with a house after a few! Forget tree house, you mean relaxing house?...or  whatever....we went inside and it was beautiful, we started talking and playing, jan was teaching me knitting while Jessica and Alex were playing, i got the hang of it and knitted something cute!

Jan: that's adorable!

Maxy: I know! Right? But.... this was nice.... hope we can do it again!

Jan:don't worry! We will!

Maxy: yay!

Alex: hey maxy! You wanna play this game?

Maxy: huh? Sure...

The rest of the day was fun, we said our goodbyes and left, I kept what I kittened with me , I went inside my house and locked the door, mother was probably sleeping, I ran upstairs to my room and closed the door, cleaning my room a bit, hiding the two knives I had..... anyways, I cleaned myself up and changed into comfy clothes and fell asleep, maybe we can meet up tomorrow?.....

(Hope you enjoy!)

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