Ch 16. Influence And Money

Start from the beginning


"Where did you go? It's fucking 2 am." Darrén yelled when I lit the light, waking him up.

"Uh on a concert."

"Where?" Tom asked. Uh, didn't I tell them already?

"Lady Gaga's."

"With who?" he asked. Talk about poor memory. Guys who wake up in the middle of the night probably forget everything, maybe even what their mom's name is. Funny.

"Are you a police or what?" I answered, annoyed.

"Yes tell me!"

"With Ambreal! Are you happy now?" I screamed, maybe even causing the whole dorm to wake up. Tom didn't say anything which surprised me. Then the door flew open and there everyone stood, just half awake.

"Did someone mention Ambreal?" they asked. Wow, that girl really has a good reputation - the guys will fly up from bed when they hear her name.

"Yeah I mentioned her." I confessed.



"What about her? Did she answer any of our requests?"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I mumbled. Then they talked one by one.

"I invited her to come to come to my father's shopping mall and pick out anything!"

Another one -

"I asked her to come and bath in my jacuzzi!"

Another one -

"I told her to come to my party as a date to meet Madonna!"

I didn't really want to listen to everyone.

"Stop it!" I shrieked. "Are you crazy?! Everything you mentioned was only by money and influence!"

They suddenly got quiet and it's like they surrounded me like dogs.

"A girl needs love! No gift and popularity, if it isn't a bitch and Ambreal is far from being a bitch! Smile to her! Talk to her! Don't fucking bribe her into those stuff! She's rich too and she can get anything whenever she wants!"

If they had papers I bet they'd even write it down.

"Give her support whenever she needs it! Tell her how you feel once in a while so that she knows that you love her! Maybe a teddy bear too or a flower, but don't exaggerate or she'll think that you only rely on the presents. Maybe make a fool out of yourself for her? It doesn't really matter right and she'll love it since she knows that you'll make a fool out of yourself for her."

"Wait!" someone yelled.


"Let me get some papers and pens."

See? Before I knew it they all sat around me, writing down everything as serious as I am every class. After a long time of teaching I told them the most important thing.

"And the last most important thing... Be honest, and be yourself! If she doesn't like you as yourself why even bother to pretend?!" They nodded and wrote it down.

"How do you know all this?" Tom asked. I sighed.

"Lifetime experience of girls! You'll understand a woman's heart just after watching a chick flick you know!"

"Oh. How many girls do you have?"

"Right now, one. No girls likes players!"

"Can you please leave? I want to fucking sleep!" Darrén yelled. They listened and left. The most wanted boy seems to be Darrén so they all listen and it's the same with Ambreal. They kind of fit together... No! I'm so out from the matchmaking stuff.

"Thank you!" he said sarcastically. I put off the light and Darrén pulled his covers to sleep.

"You don't like my advices?" I said.

"No because I don't really need them. The girls throw themselves at me as soon as they see me you know." It wasn't a bragging tone. He even seemed a bit bothered by it.

"How about... Krystal?" He chuckled.

"That one doesn't even count as a girl!"

"She's still a girl but she haven't thrown herself at you yet."

"But she... I bet she's an alien!"

"Come on man! She's my sister I know if she's a fucking alien!" Then we broke out laughing.

"Stop flirting you two." Tom butted in.

"Well at least we have someone to flirt with!" I laughed. He just went back to sleep.

"So you're dating Ambreal?" he suddenly asked.

"No... At first she asked me out on a date but I refused since I have Sarah."


"Why do you ask?"


I think... That Darrén has been a bit distant lately. He doesn't talk to me often anymore. But I couldn't think of it anymore since I was so tired.


"Sarah!" my phone shouted.

"Anna? What's up?"

"You need to come here, Right now!"

"W-Why? I have lessons to attend!"

"It's an emergency!" And she hung up. I hurried to the gate as fast as I could and saw a limo there with Anna outside it.

"You got me a limo?!"

"Yes you're making me kind of rich so hurry now!" she screamed and pushed me in, slamming the door right when I got in and almost squashing my leg. I waited for an opportunity to ask her what the problem was but she kept receiving calls so I couldn't ask her anything in the end.

We arrived at the agency and it was full of paparazzi outside.

"There she is!" someone yelled, causing all the attention to me. Anna got some guards to protect us when we got out way in. Justin, the director stood outside with a mic answering questions.

"Tell us about the new single she told everyone about at Lady Gaga's concert yesterday!"


I took Justin's mic and smiled.

"Within some weeks I'll finish a new song and I hope that everyone will listen to it and support me!" I said.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" someone asked. I laughed.

"No! Right now I am only focusing on my music so, no." They kept finding stupid questions and I answered then honestly. Then an arm pulled me out of the spotlight.

"You better get a good song now!" Anna yelled. I nodded like a child getting scolded by her mother.

"And why did you go perform at Lady Gaga's concert without consulting me?!"

"Uh... I just went there with a friend... and they were missing their guest star so they wanted me to step in..."

"Okay, I'll forgive you this time. But remember! If you do something wrong, and even something very small they will criticize you! For every little thing! Everyone will know!" she explained.


"And there's another problem!"

"What now?!" This time I was annoyed.

"Don't you remember the contract with your school?! You were supposed to go to the music room everyday and work on your music! And you're performing on your school in 3 weeks too!" Oh shit I totally forgot.

"Shit! Sorry Anna!"

"But for now, go to your school and work non-stop on your new song!"



Sarah Montana Living In The Boys' DormWhere stories live. Discover now