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•Punishment (When your professor boyfriend punished you in his own way after you failed in your test)- KTH Imagine

Closing my eyes while finger crossing, I was praying to God to pass me in this test. I wouldn't be this much worried about any other subjects but it's damn History... The worst subject and the situation is the worst because of my professor, Kim Taehyung aka my boyfriend.

He is a very strict teacher and the questions he makes for tests are out of my grasp. The previous test was the same, I don't know how many answers are correct or is there even a correct answer! Even the topper of our class can't even score 'A+' grade if the question is made by him.

"Choi Y/n." Hearing his voice, my heart started to beat at an immense speed. Though the atmosphere is not that hot, I was still sweating. Standing in front of his desk, he handed me the paper with a calm face. Looks like I have passed the test. But before I could even feel relief, the peace of my mind was destroyed by seeing the score. 17 out of 100... 'F'.

I'm finished. Today is my last day. I walked away from him as fast as possible and sat on the seat. Ahh... What am I gonna do now? He had warned me last time not to fail in any subject and mostly his but here again I have failed in his subject! He told me that if I fail in any subject then the consequences will be hard for me. The last thing I can do is to pray to God.


Closing the door of my room, I threw myself on my bed. I nuzzled into the pillow thinking what would be the consequences. I know he will not do anything which would hurt me yet just by remembering his mad face is making me shiver. He seemed too dangerous when he got mad. After even knowing these all I still failed in his subject. Idiot! I'm an idiot!

I thought about taking a shower as my head was heavy with so many thoughts and I also had to relax myself but before even getting up the door opened revealing Taehyung, it made me flinch like hell.

As soon as I sat on bed, my eyes met with his dark brown orbs which were holding nothing but anger. I gulped down and avoided his eyes. "So you again failed in your test." His deep voice was enough to send chills down my spine.

"Didn't I tell you not to fail this test at any cost?" He inquired while keeping his watch on the night stand. "T-taehyung... I... uh..." Words weren't getting out of my mouth. I don't know how to explain or how I could give an excuse. I already had given him a hundred excuses before, now I don't even have any and moreover he will not listen to me this time.

"Yes, Y/n, I need you to explain this. Any explanation?" He demanded while crossing his hands over his chest. I remained silent as I didn't have any explanation while avoiding to look up to him.

"I see, so you don't have anything to say. Well then, I need to take care of things. I guess I need to punish you to teach you a good lesson." He stated before loosening his tie whereas my orbit was magnified by his statement. He wants to punish me!! I gulped due to nervousness as my cheeks heated up where he was unbuttoning his shirt.

I clutched my skirt, my mind was full of thoughts- not only thoughts but dirty ones. He came close to me before uttering, "Why are your cheeks red? Are you blushing? It's not the kind of punishment which you are thinking." I looked up to him at light's speed with a perplexed expression.

"What?" As soon as he heard my question, his expression changed and a smirk plastered on his face. He bent down to my level while my eyeballs were largening, before I could even move he grabbed my neck, tight yet gently.

"Don't you think you are reading novels a bit too much? If you want then I can do even better than your novel's explanation. But before that I have to punish you in my own way." He asserted in his deep soothing voice.

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