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Me and Jay have been moving our location for a few weeks now. As expected, my job fired me since I wasn't able to actually come in and work. Jay reassured me that this all would be over soon, that we could go back in probably a few more weeks. He was almost certain that everything has calmed down, and that nothing else would happen. However unlike him, I was more worried about the possibilities of that thing not being gone. Right now, we were packing our bags again, getting ready to leave again. 

"Alright, this might just be the last time we have to move to another hotel. We could probably move somewhere permanently soon, just somewhere away from where this all started." He reassured as he closed his suitcase.

"How are you so sure that it's not following us anymore? Didn't you say just a few weeks ago that it probably wouldn't stop for a good long while? Hell, how long did it follow Alex?" I put my suitcase down, looking over at Jay.

"Well, a while. But we're done with the whole Marble Hornets thing, and I highly doubt it's gonna follow us out of state. Plus there's been no sign it's still with us for a while, no paranoia, no coughing, no memory loss, nothing-" Before he could say anything else, his phone vibrated, turning his attention to it. "The hell...?"

I raised a brow. "What happened?" Jay walked up to me and showed a random text he got from a random number.


"The fuck does that mean?" I muttered, only earning a shrug in response.

"I guess just some spam thing or something..." was all he said to me, looking at the phone screen. "41810..." He muttered to himself. I took a moment to think.

"You think it could be some sort of date? Like... April 18, 2010 or something?" I suggested.

"Today? I mean I guess it could be that, but why would I be sent it? I have nothing special going on today that I know of." After a moment of silence, Jay just puts his phone into his pocket, choosing to forget about the text. "I can just worry about it later. You have everything ready?" He picked up the suitcase, with me doing the same. I went to his side and opened the door, about to step out until the sight of a random box stopped me. Both me and Jay stared at it curiously. Jay soon picked up the box and we went back into the room, opening it to find a tape. I immediately snatched it out of Jay's hands.

"Oh hell no, we said we were done with the tapes." I stared at the tape in my hand with annoyance. "Who the hell even left this here? And how did they know we were here?" Jay managed to pry it out of my hands and look at it.

"Yeah but... it's just one tape, it shouldn't be that bad..." I didn't even have enough time to argue as he got closer to the T.V, putting the tape into it and having it play.

The tape started with a recording that was too distorted to tell what it was, but we were able to make out a random place and even Alex's face. After a few seconds, the distortion stopped, showing the floor of a house. I was also able to make out '4.4.2010' in the corner, two weeks ago. The screen soon showed who was recording, which I was able to recognize as Amy, Alex's girlfriend that I met a few times. She soon gets into a room and records Alex on a couch with a computer on his lap.

"Wait, Alex is fine?" I heard Jay almost yell out beside me.

"It actually stopped following him?!" My brows furrowed at the screen. Amy kept asking about the camera, only for Alex to brush it off, and kept telling her to just put it back where she find it. After about a minute, Amy turned back to the hall to put it back, but soon started to scream at the sight that I was able to make out as the tall entity. I guess I spoke too soon. The recording slowly started to distort again as the two started to run to the other side of the house, with Alex telling Amy to jump out the window. The camera goes back to the entity for a few seconds before distorting completely, cutting to a red screen with the word 'HELP'. The screen soon cuts to black moments later.

𝔹𝔼ℍ𝕀ℕ𝔻 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕋𝔸ℙ𝔼𝕊 | Tim/Masky x fem readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें