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I would like to first state that this story will have spoilers (Clearly) for the youtube series called Marble Hornets. If you have not watched it, I suggest that you watch it before reading this story.

This story will include things such as:



mention of pills


mention of stalking

and much more (I will put more warnings as the story continues), so if any of these trigger you, I suggest not reading.

other than this, you are free to read!:)

My life was too plain. Too simple. So when one day in college my friend Brian tells me about a student film someone he knew was working on and suggested that I should audition for a role, I immediately obliged. Plus, if I actually got the role, being paid a few extra bucks wouldn't be bad at all.

Only a few days after Brian told me about the film, I was met with the director himself, Alex Kraile. He told me that the only role left was a friend of Brian, and I accepted, soon auditioning for the role. Only after a week was when I received a call from Alex, explaining that I got the part.

A few weeks later, Alex started to record his film, Marble Hornets, and I had the chance to make friends, such as two guys named Tim and Jay. As time went on, Alex started to get more aggressive towards everyone on set, getting frustrated at the smallest of things and blowing up on everyone at the simplest mistake while recording.

Only after 2-3 months, the production of Marble Hornets just stopped. Alex quit, only telling us that he was moving and how he didn't like how the film was going so he just wanted to drop it.

This was only a few years ago, 3 to be exact. I got a job as a cashier, which wasn't the greatest job, but it was better than going broke. While at work one day however, I felt my phone vibrate, making me take it out of the back pocket of my pants and raising the device to my ear.


"Guess what I found in my closet?" Was all I heard the person from the other side utter, The voice I immediately recognized to be Jay's. Soon, he started to talk about all those tapes that Alex used to record Marble Hornets, and that he gave them to him three years ago and just found them, but it was surprisingly hard to understand him since his words were getting jumbled from how fast he was talking, which didn't happen often for Jay.

"Ok, ok, hold on, let me go into the break room." I made Jay calm down, not wanting to get in trouble for being on my phone while working. I quickly walked to the the break room, since it was about time for my break anyway. once I made it inside, I brought the phone back to my ear. "So, what you're saying is that Alex gave you all those tapes three years ago, and you completely forgot about them?" I questioned. Jay finally calmed down, being way more understandable now.

"Yep! So since I found them, I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch them with me? Y'know, for memories and stuff." Jay himself was a film student, so he knew how much work was put into Marble Hornets, which was probably why he actually wanted to watch the tapes.

"I mean, I could find some time to come over and watch them I guess." I could just feel Jay smiling through the phone.

"Perfect! Can you come over after your shift?" I only had two more hours, but after that I had nothing really going on today.

"Sure, see ya in a bit then." I said, hearing Jay say bye before I hung up.

I walked out of the break room and continued to work, but most of the time I would stare at the clock, waiting for the time where I can run out of here and drive to Jay's place.

Soon enough, the clock hit 5pm, and I quickly walked out of the store and to my car. I began to drive to where Jay lived, but my mind couldn't help but drift off to when we were still recording Marble Hornets, and all the actors. Even though Alex got more frustrating to work with, it was still fun meeting new people like Tim, Jay and Sarah. I could barely focus that I almost forgot I was driving, nearly bumping into another car.

Soon enough, I arrived to Jay's apartment. I got out of the vehicle, closing and locking its door behind me before looking out towards the building. It wasn't a very special building, just the average apartment complex. I began to walk up to the entrance, only to be greeted by Jay himself. He smiled once he notice me, and lead me inside the building.

"Your not gonna believe how many tapes there are! It's gonna take a good while to get through them." He started to ramble about the tapes as he opened up the door to his room in the apartment, pointing to a bag sitting on a table, full with tapes.

"You really weren't lying when you said he gave you all of them..." I muttered under my breath, walking closer to the bag before looking at all of them. "It's gonna take so long to look through all of these." Taking a closer look at the tapes, they didn't even seem to be labeled either. Jay took the bag, setting them down beside his TV, not seeming to mind that watching them would take a while.

"It won't be that bad. Besides, a lot of the tapes should just be specific scenes in the film, not the full 60 minutes for each tape." Jay reassured, before sitting down on the couch, patting at the spot beside him as a sign for me to sit. "Now, come on!" Then picked up one of the tapes, jamming it into the TV.

𝔹𝔼ℍ𝕀ℕ𝔻 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕋𝔸ℙ𝔼𝕊 | Tim/Masky x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now