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"So, what you're telling me is that your house got broken in when I called you last night, and that you got attacked by that masked guy?" Jay questioned, crossing his arms as we stared at eachother. Right after the cops left my house, I called him, asking if I could stay over for at least a few days. He was hesitant to agree since he was also broken in, but he said yes anyway. Of course though, as soon as I stepped foot out of my car, I got bombarded with questions by Jay.

"Yeah, basically. Other than that though, there were also those notes that appeared in my kitchen..." I then dug through my pocket, handing Jay three pieces of paper, but the sight of the two uncrumbled ones caught his attention.

"Hey... they're the ones that got stolen!" I almost forgot that Jay mentioned something about the masked man possibly stealing his stuff on call. "Why would he just... give them to you?" Jay muttered, staring at the drawings for a moment before turning one around, squinting his eyes.

"What, something on them?" I questioned, leaning forward to get a better look. Jay handed the paper over, before pointing to what first looked like a little scribble, that soon seemed to say something. "At the tower?" I stared at it in confusion. "Did you possibly go to a tower in one of the investigations?" I turned to Jay, but he only shook his head.

"No, maybe there's a tower in one of the tapes?...I can't even remember if there was..." Jay seemed deep in thought, trying to remember any mention of a tower. His gaze then landed on the bag of tapes near his T.V before pulling them closer and digging through them. "Maybe we could scan through some?" He then sat onto his couch, motioning me to sit with him before putting one of the tapes into the T.V. He tried to watch them as fast as possible, intensely staring at the screen while waiting for any mention of a tower.

We rewatched tapes of normal recordings of Marble Hornets, tapes of Alex recording himself, and even tapes of behind the scenes, but nothing. Jay groaned in annoyance after about the tenth tape, still with no mention of a tower in any of the recordings.

"It's gonna take years to find the recording, if it even exists..." He grabbed another tape, inserting it in the TV once more after taking the other out. We both then stared at the screen, but I noticed that it was a tape I haven't seen yet. And it seemed like Jay did either.

Jay and Alex were shown, sitting on two different seats with papers in their hands, possibly being scripts. They were at Brian's house, doing a behind the scenes interview. I stared at the screen, uninterested unlike Jay who payed attention to every single sound from the tape. That was until the tape distorted for a few minutes, making the room fill with an obnoxious ringing noise. I covered my ears, wincing at the loud noise until the screen finally got fixed. I uncovered my ears, and heard a knock in the tape, which made Alex get up, muttering that Tim must have arrived. The camera then turned to Tim who had just entered, and then I finally began to pay attention. Mainly to what he was wearing. As soon as the camera turned to him, I noticed the jacket he was wearing was the same one that the mask one wore.

"Wait..." It couldn't be... right? Jay didn't seem to notice, instead just watching how the tape played out. It was most likely that he also didn't remember this, just like how we didn't remember almost any of the other events in the tapes. The more I stared at Tim, the more familiar was the masked man. Same type of hair, same jacket, it had to be a coincidence... there's no way Tim was the masked man... As much as I wanted to tell myself that, I couldn't shake the feeling off that Tim and the masked man were at least connected in some way.

"You alright?" Jay's voice spoke out to me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"H-huh? oh, yeah just..." I thought of whether or not to tell Jay about Tim reminding me of the masked man, but decided against it. If I told him that I thought Tim was the one that broke in our houses, he probably would think I was insane. So I kept it to myself. "Thinking." Jay stared in confusion, but didn't question.

𝔹𝔼ℍ𝕀ℕ𝔻 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕋𝔸ℙ𝔼𝕊 | Tim/Masky x fem readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang