Chapter 34

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The participants glanced at Junwoo unconsciously.

Without realizing it, they stopped their practice and just watched. Junwoo was receiving attention from all directions.

"You know how it feels, right?"

Junwoo finished the demonstration and looked down at Ro-woon.

Ro-woon suddenly came to his senses and shook his head. "I get it," he said. But the more he got it, the more of a problem it became.

Junwoo's performance as the murderer was a perfect fit for Ro-woon, down to his expressions, body language, and habits.

'He's clearly messing with me.'

"This is crazy. How am I supposed to do that?"

And another figure was watching the scene from the sidelines.

"That kid..."

He had been coaching the participants until now, mixing in among them.

He is the acting mentor assigned to the program.

He was a person who would enrich the program's practice scenes by giving participants professional advice and feedback on each mission.

He wasn't a very important character. The production team's goal for his role was to create a scene where the participants get scolded. This was to tell a story of their growth.

The participant who had been listening to his feedback until now gasped.

"Wow. That line is from the movie 'The Client.' Look at Han Junwoo play the murderer this time."

"...It looks like he's giving a demonstration."

"Huh? He's making Lee Ro-woon play that role?"

The mentor, who was listening to the conversation, had a look of both confusion and interest on his face.

He was the one who had seen Ro-woon's acting a few times in previous missions.

It was in the studio hallway. When Junwoo came out of the bathroom.

The mentor, arms crossed, waited ahead.

"I have something I want to ask you."


Junwoo looked confused. The mentor had never approached him before.

After seeing Junwoo's performance in the first mission, he had given up on coaching him. Plus, he had recently heard from his superior that he should not demand or force anything from the kid.

But he wanted to address this issue.

"Why did you ask Lee Ro-woon to play that role?"

The mentor frowned slightly and asked.

He remembered the moments when Ro-woon had been practicing his acting hard.

He had seen Ro-woon's passion and madness. That was because of the responsibility that the group's life depended on him. Watching that process, the mentor had developed some affection for Lee Ro-woon.

The mentor was worried that Ro-woon would just be a background character if he got caught up in this genius.

But Junwoo was confused and wondered what that meant.

"The role of the culprit?"


"Why not?"

Junwoo scratched his head. It was too obvious a judgment.

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