Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Standing in the center of the room, Bird felt more alone than she'd felt ever before. Her life had changed so much over the last year, she couldn't grasp onto any one emotion.

Her heart ached. That was the only thing she could give voice to. As she glanced around, she felt the trembling begin in her hands and quickly grabbed it with her other hand in hopes to still it. She couldn't break here. She'd already gone through so much. It wouldn't do for her to pick this time to fall apart.

Determinedly, she turned away from the fireplace and walked over to the trunks and began going through the items she'd brought from Cawell. This time, she had more than just a book and a few gowns.


Fitzwilliam arrived home to the news that his brother had returned from his manor with his damphir, and he'd taken her as his consort. It took him all of a second before he was leaving his house for Buckingham Palace to confront his brother.

Bird had done it. She'd gotten his brother to take her in his heart. Feeling triumphant in the news, he wished to see the look on Gwen's face. Would she stay with a man who loved another, he wondered.

Passing the footmen, he ran up the stairs briskly, making his way towards the main chamber, stopping when the door opened and two people exited. His eyes slightly widened before he forced his expression into one of easy amusement.

"Brother, I am surprised to see you here so early," he said with a beat of nuance to his voice.

"Oh, and why is that, Fitz?" Talon asked, feigning ignorance. He was very aware of what Fitzwilliam was trying to imply, but as always, he played ignorant. "It's only proper to come and greet Father and..." As always, he paused, his lips working for a moment. Forcing them to curve, he said, "Mother, on my return."

"He is probably speaking of the long journey," Gwen cut in, her eyes meeting Fitz's, her hand reaching out and laying on Talon's shoulder, a blatant gesture. "He probably worries that you would be too tired to come and greet them."

Fitz's eyes moved to the hand, and he frowned. "Ah, yes, that is what I meant." He turned his darkened eyes to Talon, "I assumed you'd spend time at the new townhouse you bought. Speaking of which, I've heard the oddest rumor. Of course, I gave it no credence, but for the sake of my curiosity, is it true you've taken a mistress?"


The air became tense, as the third prince and the first prince stared each other down. Talon didn't speak, while Gwen looked at Fitzwilliam in mute shock at his audacity.

Scoffing, Talon straightened, his smile not brightening. "It seems, brother, you've been paying too much attention to the gossip rags." He stepped forward, forcing Gwen's hand to drop from his arm. "It would better serve you to focus on the thing you want most. After all, you seem to struggle much in your effort to obtain it."

With that, he gave Fitz a glacial smile, before walking past him. Gwen and Fitz watched him go. While one was stewing in stinging comment, the other was glaring.

"Can you truly be happy?" Fitz asked, turning to face Gwen, whose violet colored eyes were narrowed. His expression was pained. "No matter how he plays the charming prince, he is only using you."

Her back stiffened and her chin lifted, "So, he will be king, what of you?"

"Is that all you care about, the throne?"

"It is what my father cares about." Her rebuttal was sharp. She clenched her hands at her side, "You had only to demand my hand, fight for my hand. Yet, you did not. You did not, and now the one who will make me queen is Talon."

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