"I'm so sorry."

"S'alright, I guess. What can I do anyway?"

"It must be hard for you. I'm having a hard time processing what happened to my mum . . . I can't even imagine what it would be like for both my mum and dad."

He lifted his shoulder, "Your mum will be fine, she'll probably be back on her feet soon."

"Is that what happened to your parents?"

A downhearted look shadowed Neville's face, "No."

She didn't want to push him, she considered herself lucky he even initiated conversation today instead of mumbling curse words and rude names.


Draco was right next to Faris the moment class was dismissed, helping her pack up her things all while glaring at Neville who seemed to be in no rush to leave this time.

Subtly, Draco raised his brows at Neville as if to ask, "Were you being a bitch?" Neville responded with a small shake of his head before saying goodbye to Faris and leaving.

"We're gonna work on the project after school," Faris said proudly. "It was his idea, even."

"I wonder what made him change his mind," Draco wondered aloud.

"I don't know, but it's working out great."

"I'm glad."

She slung her bag over her shoulder but Draco stopped her. "What are you doing?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

She looked at him cluelessly, "We're going to lunch . . . I thought you knew."

He shook his head with a small chortle, "No, I mean, what are you doing carrying your bag?" He gave her an incredulous look all while taking her bag from her shoulder and slinging it over his own.

"But Draco, you have your own bag to carry. You don't need to carry mine too."

He began walking out of the classroom and she had to jog to catch up with him. She tugged on the strap of her bag but he wouldn't let it go.

"I'm perfectly capable of carrying my own bag. I carried it to Transfiguration, remember?"

"Unfortunately I don't. I could carry you too, you know?" He said, raising his eyebrows with a smirk glued to his face.

"I'm not gonna let you do that," she laughed, swiping at her bag once again, but he moved too quickly. Suddenly she was being thrown over his shoulder, his hand going to the backs of her thighs to hold her in place.

"You don't have to let me, I'll just do it when I please, thank you very much."

"You're very sassy. Now, please put me down, I don't want to cause a scene in the Great Hall!" She couldn't help but laugh as he continued to walk, she felt like her face was swelling up, and suddenly she was very aware of the blood rushing to her head.

He ignored her pleas, she might stop laughing if he put her down and gave her the bag back. He didn't want her laughter to stop, he loved it too much.

"My hair is gonna be frizzy. Look, I will do your potions homework if you put me down."

"I'm good, thanks."

"I'll pinch your ass if you don't put me down!" She threatened, her head feeling extremely heavy, and it made her giggle.

"You won't," He dared.

"I will," she chuckled. Her hand moved down and he got her off of his shoulder before she could fulfill her promise. Her hair was a mess now, but she didn't mind that much. He put his arm around her shoulders "You've had your fun now so give me my bag back," she demanded, holding her hand out in anticipation.

He lifted a shoulder, his lips forming an upside-down smile, "Fat chance."

"Aw, now that's not very nice."

"I'm holding your bag, that is very nice of me."

She went quiet for a minute, "Fine."

"You're very sassy," he repeated, together they sat down at the Slytherin table, both of their bags going under the table. He specifically placed them in his reach so she wouldn't have the chance to carry her bag to her next class.

"Is Longbottom still giving you a hard time, Faris-wheel?" Blaise asked, hardly looking up from his bowl of jello.

"Actually, he isn't. I don't know what changed but he's being much nicer. We're going to work on the project together after school."

Blaise nodded, "That's good, random, but good."

Owls began sweeping in through the windows, a thin package dropped in Faris's fruit bowl.

"Maybe he's pregnant," Blaise suggested suddenly.

Both of their heads perked up, "What?" They said at the same time.

He shrugged, his eyes flicking up to them for a second, "Oh, you know, pregnant women have mood swings."

"Yes, because having mood swings automatically means you're pregnant," Draco spat, rolling his eyes.

"Oh my god!" Faris squealed, her face lighting up with a smile. People nearby peaked at them curiously.

"What?" Draco looked up alarmed.

"It's us! They released the magazine and we're on the cover!" She leaned into him, shoving the magazine toward him.

The cover showed Draco with his arms loosely wrapped around Faris's neck, her hands holding onto his forearms. It was for the release of Clarity's jewelry line. Draco's fingers were decorated with silver rings, a few had diamonds embedded in them, and others were a simple silver band. Faris was covered in rings, bracelets, and necklaces. A large amount of diamonds strung around her neck to match her red dress.

"You look beautiful," Draco whispered, kissing her temple.

"It's the makeup," she simply said, her eyes focused on the cover.

He gently shook his head, "You always look beautiful." She looked up from the magazine, a smile tied to her lips.

His stomach filled with butterflies, he watched the sparkle in her eye as she leaned closer to him, her lips slowly attaching to his.

"Y'all are sick." They heard Blaise mumble. "We're in the Great Hall, people are eating and your mouths are glued together. Have some decency."

They both ignored him, as they always did in these scenarios.

"You must be on something. You are being especially sweet today," she whispered, tracing her finger over his bottom lip.

"Only for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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