Chapter Sixteen

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Y/N woke up with a throbbing headache, her vision blurry at first. As she lifted her head, she found herself hanging off the stage, clutching a microphone, and an empty vodka bottle in her hand. The pounding in her head intensified, and she couldn't help but groan at the agony. The remnants of the wild night were evident, and she couldn't shake the regret that settled in.

As Y/N attempted to sit up fully, she lost her balance and tumbled off the stage. With an exclamation of "oh fuck," she landed on something, or rather someone. The person beneath her groaned in response to the impact, and Y/N quickly realized she had landed on Klaus. Apologizing profusely, she rolled off him, her head still throbbing from the aftereffects of the wild night. Klaus, in his usual nonchalant manner, grumbled about the unexpected wake-up call.

Y/N groaned, expressing the pain in her head, and Klaus sat up slowly, his own groans accompanying the movements. As they both found themselves on the floor, Y/N initiated a conversation about the events of the previous night, "What the hell happened last night?" she asked with a groan. Klaus, with his usual flair, commented, "Well, it seems you had quite the night. The whole drunken dancing routine was a nice touch."

Y/N chuckled weakly, holding her head, "Yeah, seemed like a good idea at the time. Guess I overdid it a bit."

Klaus grinned, "You were the star of the party for a moment there. Even Five had to acknowledge it."

Y/N's eyes widened, "Five noticed? What did he say?"

Klaus scratched his head, "Oh, you know Five, he was probably internally rolling his eyes or something. Didn't say much, just looked surprised for a second."

Y/N sighed, "Great, just what I needed. Anyways, what about you? How did you end up on the floor?"

Klaus chuckled, "I was enjoying the ambiance from down here. Plus, I wanted a front-row seat for the grand finale of your performance."

Y/N cursed under her breath as she struggled to recall the events of the night. She groaned, "What did I do last night?"

Klaus chuckled, "Well, you, my dear, gave an impromptu performance. You grabbed the mic, stood on the stage, and belted out some tunes. The whole family was cheering you on. It was quite the spectacle."

Y/N winced, rubbing her temples, "Oh god, please tell me I didn't embarrass myself too much." Klaus grinned, "On the contrary, you were the life of the party. Even Five looked mildly amused. It was a night to remember, or forget, depending on your perspective."

Y/N sighed, "Great. Just great. Remind me never to mix dancing and alcohol again." Klaus laughed, "No promises on that, my friend. You never know when the mood will strike again." Y/N looked at Klaus with a serious expression, "Are we cool, Klaus? I mean, after last night."

Klaus sighed, feeling a hint of pity for her. It seemed like she had genuinely changed, though he couldn't shake off the skepticism entirely. "Look, Y/N, I'm not here to play mediator in your relationship drama with Five. If you're truly a changed person, great. If not, that's on you. I can't be the judge of that."

Y/N nodded, understanding the stance Klaus was taking, "Fair enough. I just don't want to cause more trouble for everyone." Klaus patted her shoulder, "Just tread carefully. The Hargreeves have had enough drama to last a lifetime."

Y/N smiled at Klaus, appreciating the honesty in his words. As they both slowly stood up, she glanced around the empty dance hall, realizing that Klaus was the only person with her in the room. A gasp escaped her lips as she looked around, realizing Faith was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, shit," Y/N muttered under her breath, a sense of worry crossing her face. She fumbled through her pockets, desperately searching for her phone to call Faith. As the realization sunk in that her phone was missing, Y/N felt a surge of panic.

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